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Öğrenmeye başla
There is a volunteer firehouse
just adjacent to that school,
and that is where teachers were told
to take the children
just as soon as they could.
Are there families there who don't
know where their children are?
There are still families here
who do not know
where their children are.
And they're not being told anything.
You could feel it. You could
feel the emergency in the air.
You could feel panic.
There was all this murmuring going
on, The principal was shot.
"There's a couple of shooters.
There's kids in a bathroom."
There was a lot of
little snippets of information,
but they hadn't heard anything
about kids at that point.
And then there was the room with the
parents waiting for their kids.
We just kind of waited.
And then, they brought the children out
and it was heartbreaking to see them.
They were all holding hands in a line.
And I saw my Kyle come.
And true to his personality,
I think he was skipping
and holding somebody's hand.
And he said, "Mom,
I didn't cry, I didn't cry."
And his teacher came behind.
And she had a wild look on her face
and she said, "They heard it all."
She said, "They heard it all.
"They heard the guns,
they heard the screaming,
"but they heard it all."
And then, you look over
where the first graders are
and there are so many
parents with no children.
And there was that feeling
of, of "Where are their kids?"
And then I saw Mark,
and there was no Daniel.
Then, the Governor came up and said,
"We regret to let you know that
20 children were shot
and killed in the school,
as well as six educators.
And I tell you, the room erupted.
It will forever...
Forever be in my mind.
where - nerede
think - düşünmek
murmuring - çağlama
going - gidiş
feeling - duygu
emergency - acil servis
could - could
little - küçük
waited - bekledi
snippets - parçacıkları
firehouse - Savage
forever - sonsuza dek
governor - vali
couple - çift
bathroom - banyo
hands - eller
adjacent - bitişik
daniel - Daniel
anything - her şey
educators - eğitimciler
waiting - bekleme
killed - öldürdü
first - ilk
heartbreaking - kalp kırıcı
parents - ebeveyn
behind - arkasında
graders - greyder
being - olmak
point - puan
their - onların
families - aileleri
brought - getirdi
children - çocuklar
volunteer - gönüllü
panic - panik
heard - duymuş
holding - tutma
screaming - bağıran
about - hakkında
information - bilgi
personality - kişilik
teachers - öğretmenler
regret - pişmanlık
skipping - atlama
erupted - patlak
still - yine
teacher - öğretmen
school - okul
principal - asıl
shooters - atıcı
there - Orada
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