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Öğrenmeye başla
You were saying that, you know, you
struggle to know what to say.
- Sometimes it's the exact...
- Right.
- ...exactly the same for me.
- Right.
'Cause it is, what do you say,
and how do you put people at ease,
and because we're all in this together.
You know, many times
I lay down in bed and...
and just think of the
unfairness of this whole thing.
Now, I didn't know Dylan and...
And somehow, in the back of my head,
sometimes I feel like
I missed out on something.
Because he was six then,
my, my son, and...
when I told him about Dylan, he...
he got quiet.
And he just...
He just looked at me. He goes...
He didn't talk much.
But he was such a nice boy.
Because I don't really know what
Dylan's classmates thought of him.
- Right.
- Yeah, because he was hard to...
He didn't often talk to me
about his classmates
'cause he couldn't really articulate it
- Right.
- ... very well.
- And I know I've reached out to
you and said that someday...
- Yeah.
I want to hear from you
about your son's experience, because
I just... there's a need to know
as much detail as I can about...
- About, you know, Dylan's last moments, but
- Right.
- I'm not ready for it.
- I understand that.
I mean, when you think about it, you know,
you could read all the
newspapers you want all day.
But at the end of the day, there's
only eleven kids that know what happened.
We had made it our point to
remember specifics about that day.
- So, we have that information.
- Thank...
Whenever you guys are ready, we'd
be, of course, willing to...
sit down and share what we know.
Yeah. Not today. Please.
- Nope.
- Not today.
- Someday.
- Someday.
I'd like to, but I'm not ready for it.
He was a good boy.
- Thank you.
- I'm sorry.
No, don't... Please, don't apologize.
Don't ever...
Don't ever apologize. It's okay.
I need to know these things as well.
willing - istekli
whole - bütün
whenever - her ne zaman
unfairness - insafsızlık
understand - anlama
together - Birlikte
today - bugün
please - lütfen
happened - olmuş
often - sık sık
exactly - kesinlikle
newspapers - gazeteler
thought - düşünce
moments - anlar
really - gerçekten mi
missed - cevapsız
right - Sağ
experience - deneyim
apologize - özür dilemek
could - could
exact - kesin
because - Çünkü
dylan - dlyan
something - bir şey
think - düşünmek
information - bilgi
articulate - ifade
about - hakkında
looked - baktı
struggle - mücadele
classmates - sınıf arkadaşları
detail - detay
point - puan
someday - birgün
sorry - afedersiniz
people - insanlar
things - eşyalar
course - kurs
eleven - on bir
quiet - sessiz
remember - hatırlamak
reached - ulaştı
somehow - bir şekilde
sometimes - ara sıra
saying - söz
thanks - teşekkürler
share - pay
specifics - özelliklerini
thank - teşekkür
these - bunlar
thing - şey
ready - hazır
times - zamanlar
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