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Öğrenmeye başla
- Hi, Sy.
- Hi, there.
I was just at the Dairy Queen.
I saw you down here and
thought I'd say hello.
I'm just grabbing
some shopping fuel.
I never see you
away from the store.
After all these years you'd think we'd
run into each other at some point.
Why, do you live around here?
I live downtown.
- Well, that's quite a drive.
- No, I'm used to it.
- You have a nice boy there.
- Oh, Jake. Yeah.
A little sensitive, maybe. But...
he likes you, Sy.
He calls you "Sy the photo guy."
That's right. You've been doing
our pictures for a long time.
You know, I almost feel like "Uncle Sy."
Well, I've got some serious
shopping to do. So...
Oh, sure.
Take care.
- Oh, my God.
- What?
It's so weird.
I'm reading that exact book right now.
You're kidding.
No, I can't believe that
you'd be reading that book.
You know, he writes a lot about noticing
coincidence, doesn't he?
Yeah, he does.
That thing he says about fear...
"The things we fear the most
have already happened to us."
I had no idea you were
such a deep thinker, Sy.
I wouldn't say that.
- Do you have any children, Sy?
- Me? No, I'm not married.
- No girlfriend?
- No.
I have a snapshot of my mother, though.
weird - tuhaf
little - küçük
almost - neredeyse
mother - anne
grabbing - kapma
hello - merhaba
likes - seviyor
after - sonra
kidding - dalga geçmek
happened - olmuş
children - çocuklar
drive - sürücü
downtown - şehir merkezinde
already - zaten
calls - aramalar
years - Yıl
around - etrafında
doing - iş
snapshot - enstantane fotoğraf
believe - inanmak
queen - Kraliçe
thinker - düşünür
coincidence - tesadüf
married - evli
exact - kesin
dairy - mandıra
sensitive - hassas
maybe - olabilir
point - puan
never - asla
reading - okuma
these - bunlar
noticing - fark
quite - oldukça
about - hakkında
other - diğer
thought - düşünce
photo - fotoğraf
writes - yazıyor
pictures - resimler
girlfriend - kız arkadaşı
right - Sağ
serious - Ciddi
shopping - alışveriş yapmak
store - mağaza
there - Orada
thing - şey
uncle - amca dayı
things - eşyalar
think - düşünmek
though - gerçi
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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