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Öğrenmeye başla
Excuse me!
You dropped your grapefruit.
Thank you.
No, you called out
before I dropped the grapefruit.
You said "excuse me"!
You said it loudly
and in my direction.
Because you
dropped a grapefruit.
You called out, I turned around,
I dropped it, in that order.
No, I called out
because of the grapefruit.
Then why would I turn around?
Why would I call out?
I think my mind must be
playing tricks on me.
I apologize for insisting
that I was right.
insisting upon things
is an overall problem I have
in my general personality.
It didn't seem to me like you
were aggressively insisting.
Well, that's kind of you,
but I know how screwed up I am.
Judging myself harshly and analyzing
my actions are my other problems,
so I better shut up.
Though, I also have
trouble shutting up.
I'm not crying.
My eyes are always moist.
I'm too emotionally
detached from life to cry.
Excuse me, I'm from the post.
Can I ask you a few questions?
Is it true you were at a movie
when your husband died?
And you left
the theater at 8:30?
Come on, you'll tell her,
but not me?
New York news!
She's from the New York news!
Him, too! He's from
the New York news!
It's unethical not to tell her.
No, I was gonna tell her
before I asked any questions.
Tell us about
your husband's watch!
You see that?
How she acted when you
said that about the watch?
Come on, tell me
about the watch!
So, it's obviously
the husband's watch.
would - olur
watch - izlemek
trouble - sorun
tricks - püf nokta
though - gerçi
general - Genel
excuse - bahane
things - eşyalar
think - düşünmek
direction - yön
crying - ağlayan
turned - dönük
called - denilen
analyzing - analiz
before - önce
acted - hareket
dropped - düştü
actions - eylemler
grapefruit - greyfurt
better - Daha iyi
husband - koca
emotionally - duygusal yönden
aggressively - agresif
always - Her zaman
unethical - etik olmayan
apologize - özür dilemek
asked - diye sordu
problem - Sorun
around - etrafında
insisting - ısrar eden
personality - kişilik
questions - sorular
detached - bağımsız
judging - yargılamak
screwed - berbat
loudly - yüksek sesle
moist - nemli
movie - film
because - Çünkü
myself - kendim
harshly - sert
order - sipariş
about - hakkında
other - diğer
obviously - belli ki
overall - tüm
playing - oynama
problems - sorunlar
right - Sağ
shutting - kapatma
gonna - olacak
theater - tiyatro
thank - teşekkür
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