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Öğrenmeye başla
Saw these
on the trees up there.
Yeah, they're warnings.
The local tribes carved them
before they fled.
Yeah, they knew
the power of that place.
They felt its pull.
They came to believe that...
those woods belonged
to something else.
That the ground was bad.
The ground is sour.
So, they moved on.
But not before they
built that deadfall.
They built it
to keep people out.
But it didn't keep
people out.
The Wendigo may just be
some crazy folktale,
but there is
something up there.
that brings things back.
So, what happened
to your dog, Jud?
He came back.
Just like Stanny B.
said he would.
But he was changed.
It was when he went
after my mother...
that my daddy put him down.
For the second time.
I thought it would be
different with Ellie's cat.
I mean, Biff had a mean
streak to begin with.
But Church, well...
...was a nice cat...
- He tried to hurt Gage.
I'm so sorry, Louis. I am.
Once you feel the power
of that place,
you make up the sweetest-smelling
reasons to go back.
But I was wrong.
Sometimes dead is better.
happened - olmuş
louis - louis
moved - taşındı
local - Yerel
ground - Zemin
folktale - folktale
mother - anne
changed - değişmiş
crazy - çılgın
deadfall - ölüm çukuru
believe - inanmak
trees - ağaçlar
begin - başla
belonged - aitti
before - önce
wrong - Yanlış
wendigo - wendigo
brings - getiriyor
would - olur
after - sonra
second - ikinci
better - Daha iyi
daddy - baba
stanny - stanny
built - inşa edilmiş
tried - denenmiş
things - eşyalar
streak - meç
people - insanlar
place - yer
smelling - kokan
different - farklı
power - Güç
reasons - nedenleri
warnings - uyarılar
church - kilise
sometimes - ara sıra
sorry - afedersiniz
sweetest - tatlı
thought - düşünce
these - bunlar
something - bir şey
carved - oyulmuş
woods - orman
those - bu
there - Orada
tribes - kabileler
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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