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Öğrenmeye başla
I'm sorry?
What was that again?
- I'm a god.
- You're God?
I'm a god. I'm not the god,
I don't think.
Because you survived a car wreck?
You folks ready to order?
I didn't just survive a wreck.
I wasn't just blown up yesterday.
I have been stabbed,
shot, poisoned...
...frozen, hung, electrocuted
and burned.
Oh, really.
Every morning I wake up without a
scratch on me, not a dent in the fender.
I am an immortal.
Special today is blueberry waffles.
Why are you telling me this?
Because I want you to believe in me.
You are not a god.
You can take my word for it.
This is 12 years of Catholic
school talking.
I can come back if you're not ready.
How do you know I'm not a god?
Oh, please.
- How do you know?
- Because it's not possible.
I'll come back.
This is Doris.
Her brother-in-law Carl owns this diner.
She's worked here
since she was 17.
More that anything else in her
life she wants to see Paris...
...before she dies.
Boy, would I!
- What are you doing?
- This is Debbie Kleiser and her fiance, Fred.
Do I know you?
They're supposed to be
getting married this afternoon
but Debbie is
having second thoughts.
Lovely ring.
This is Bill.
He's been a waiter
for three years, since he left
Penn State and had to get work.
He likes the town, he paints
toy soldiers and he's gay.
I am.
This is Gus. He hates his life here,
he wishes he'd stayed in the Navy.
Well, I could've retired
on half pay after 20 years.
Excuse me.
Is this some kind of trick?
Well, maybe the real God
uses tricks.
You know, maybe he's not omnipotent, he's
just been around so long he knows everything.
Oh, okay. Well, who's that?
This is Tom. He worked in the coal
mine till they closed it down.
- And her?
- It's Alice.
Came from Ireland when she was a baby.
She lived in Erie most of her life.
He's right.
- And her?
- Nancy.
works in the dress
and makes noises like a chipmunk when
she gets real excited.
- It's true.
- How do you know these people?
I told you, I know everything.
In about five seconds, a waiter's
gonna drop a tray of dishes.
Five, four, three, two, one.
- Okay?
- Okay, that's enough.
wreck - enkaz
waffles - gofretler
tricks - püf nokta
trick - hile
three - üç
thoughts - düşünceler
these - bunlar
telling - söylüyorum
survived - hayatta
survive - hayatta kalmak
stayed - kaldı
state - belirtmek, bildirmek
would - olur
stabbed - bıçaklandı
sorry - afedersiniz
soldiers - Askerler
since - dan beri
scratch - çizik
school - okul
right - Sağ
retired - emekli
really - gerçekten mi
wishes - dilek
special - özel
poisoned - zehirlenmiş
works - eserleri
seconds - saniye
please - lütfen
people - insanlar
paris - Paris
order - sipariş
noises - gürültüler
supposed - sözde
nancy - nancy
morning - sabah
paints - boyalar
maybe - olabilir
excuse - bahane
debbie - debbie
folks - arkadaşlar
brother - erkek kardeş
closed - kapalı
gonna - olacak
blueberry - yaban mersini
enough - yeterli
worked - işlenmiş
after - sonra
years - Yıl
around - etrafında
waiter - garson
again - Tekrar
ireland - İrlanda
dishes - bulaşıklar
without - olmadan
wants - istiyor
think - düşünmek
afternoon - öğleden sonra
yesterday - Dün
alice - alice
talking - konuşma
about - hakkında
blown - şişmiş
anything - her şey
doris - Doris
diner - lokanta
having - sahip olan
ready - hazır
dress - elbise
burned - yanmış
before - önce
doing - iş
believe - inanmak
immortal - ölümsüz
every - proszę uważać
because - Çünkü
everything - her şey
fiance - nişanlı
fender - çamurluk
excited - heyecanlı
frozen - dondurulmuş
today - bugün
second - ikinci
electrocuted - elektriğe
getting - alma
hates - kinler
lovely - güzel
kleiser - kleiser
possible - mümkün
knows - bilir
lived - yaşamış
likes - seviyor
makes - markaları
omnipotent - her şeye kadir
chipmunk - çizgili sincap
catholic - liberal
married - evli
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