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Are you seeing this?
I just don't understand
how this is even possible.
How do we not remember this?
But we could fix this, right?
We could fix this.
I mean, we have
the means, right?
This is what we should be
doing in the first place,
...not partying.
- Hey. Guys, what's the emergency?
David, look at this.
There was a plane crash, David.
77 people on board a flight
from London to Madrid.
It happened 5 days ago.
So, why are you guys
watching a plane crash?
Because I think it's our fault.
Why would a plane
crash be our fault?
Sarah Nathan's dad
was the pilot.
So what?
Look, whatever we
did at Lollapalooza...
...had some crazy ripple effects.
Are you saying that Lollapalooza
caused a plane crash?
Because that sounds crazy, dude.
Look, I'm not crazy, okay.
It's cause and effect.
Somehow we caused
the basketball team...
to not make the playoffs.
Our captain, Justin
Kelly, he broke his leg...
...on March 1st, right?
We all know that
never happened.
Then the basketball team
didn't make the playoffs,
and that affected the players,
their parents,
hundreds of people who were
supposed to be at the game.
And it just kept spreading.
Sarah Nathan's brother,
he was on the team, right?
Her dad was supposed
to be at the game.
He wasn't supposed
to be flying that night.
David, look... Dude,
there's other shit, too.
Robberies. Fires.
None of this happened before.
At some point,
we're not gonna be able
to track this, David.
If we don't stop this now,
it could just keep
going out of control. - David!
We have to fix this.
Look, Lollapalooza
was a mistake.
We have to go back
and make it so that
we never jumped there
in the first place.
No, no, no.
- That's the only way.
We cannot do that, okay?
It's gonna undo everything.
- That's the point!
We need to undo it!
- We gotta fix this.
I'm not even buying it.
I don't even think that...
Dude, you were the one
who set the rules!
You're the one who said that
we had to be all
freaking careful! - I did.
We all followed them,
we kept each other accountable
on every single one!
I'm not gonna go and play God
with you guys...
You know what?
That is what we're doing!
I'm gonna get Jessie, we're
gonna come over tonight
and we're gonna fix this!
If you wanna vote
on that...
'cause that will make
you feel better,
then that's fine,
but that's what we're doing!
David, we get it, okay?
None of us will remember
Lollapalooza. - Yeah.
would - olur
understand - anlama
there - Orada
supposed - sözde
spreading - yayma
sounds - sesleri
somehow - bir şekilde
whatever - her neyse
their - onların
single - Tek
should - meli
seeing - görme
saying - söz
rules - kurallar
ripple - dalgalanma
right - Sağ
remember - hatırlamak
possible - mümkün
place - yer
partying - parti
plane - uçak
other - diğer
night - gece
march - mart
effect - efekt
watching - seyretme
never - asla
caused - neden oldu
brother - erkek kardeş
going - gidiş
jesus - isa
robberies - soygunlar
playoffs - playoff
people - insanlar
london - Londra
emergency - acil servis
fault - hata
cause - sebeb olmak
think - düşünmek
careful - dikkatli
captain - kaptan
track - iz
cannot - yapamam
gotta - lazım
sarah - sarah
followed - takip etti
basketball - basketbol
means - anlamına geliyor
accountable - sorumlu
broke - kırdı
buying - alış
hundreds - yüzlerce
crazy - çılgın
tonight - Bu gece
affected - etkilenmiş
before - önce
control - kontrol
lollapalooza - lollapalooza
crash - kaza
better - Daha iyi
board - yazı tahtası
players - oyuncu
effects - etkileri
pilot - pilot
could - could
jumped - atladı
jessie - jessie
madrid - Madrid
because - Çünkü
every - proszę uważać
everything - her şey
point - puan
mistake - hata
kelly - kelly
fires - Yangınlar
wanna - istiyorum
first - ilk
flight - Uçuş
parents - ebeveyn
doing - iş
david - david
flying - uçan
freaking - lanet
happened - olmuş
gonna - olacak
justin - justin
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