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Öğrenmeye başla
...I want you to know you're under no
obligation to stand up for Valerie.
You're no longer engaged to her.
She's in love with someone else.
That doesn't mean
I've stopped caring about her.
I imagine that's just how
Lucie felt about you.
She had a crush on me.
Oh, more than a crush.
I think she would have done
absolutely anything for you.
Even agree to meet you on a wolf night
if you asked her to.
Why are you doing this?
Do you think I'm the wolf?
Are you accusing me of murder?
I'm not accusing you of anything.
I just want to find out the truth.
It's you.
My God, it's you.
I can smell it on you.
- What can you smell on me?
- The night my father died...
I could smell the wolf. It was
like a deep musk.
And I can smell it all over you right now.
What do you do out
there in that cabin...
all by yourself in the
middle of the night?
On the night that Lucie died?
You don't know, do you?
I know what you're doing.
And I'm not gonna let you turn this on me.
yourself - kendin
would - olur
valerie - Valerie
truth - hakikat
think - düşünmek
there - Orada
stopped - durduruldu
someone - Birisi
smell - koku
under - altında
gonna - olacak
middle - orta
asked - diye sordu
could - could
engaged - nişanlı
cabin - kabin
anything - her şey
absolutely - kesinlikle
accusing - itham
about - hakkında
longer - uzun
night - gece
agree - anlaşmak
doing - iş
father - baba
crush - ezme
imagine - hayal etmek
stand - durmak
right - Sağ
caring - sempatik
murder - cinayet
lucie - lucie
obligation - yükümlülük
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