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Öğrenmeye başla
Well, it used to just be
the two of us.
Now there's busloads of people
just to do the music.
Hang on, hang on,
don't you wanna just
go out there and sing
without this ridiculous
You know,
just be yourself, Reg?
Why the fuck
would I want that, Bernie?
You wouldn't say this
shit to me
if you were a real friend.
People don't pay
to see Reginald Dwight.
They pay to see Elton John!
Don't ever tell me
how to do my fucking job!
Break a leg.
You don't have
to put up with this, Reg.
Write the fucking lyrics,
Let me deal with the rest.
- I'm sorry.
- I know.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Please welcome Elton John!
Ever since I was a young boy
I played the silver ball
From Soho down to Brighton
I must've played them all
But I ain't seen
nothing like him
In any amusement hall
That deaf, dumb and blind kid
Sure plays a mean pinball
He stands like a statue
Becomes part of the machine
Feeling all the bumpers
Always playing clean
He plays by intuition
The digit counters fall
That deaf, dumb and blind kid
Sure plays a mean pinball
He's a pinball wizard
He scores a trillion more
A pinball wizard
The world's new pinball lord
He's scoring more
yourself - kendin
young - genç
would - olur
intuition - sezgi
gentlemen - beyler
plays - oyunlar
clean - temiz
counters - sayaçlar
lyrics - şarkı sözleri
machine - makine
amusement - eğlence
friend - arkadaş
bernie - bernie
sorry - afedersiniz
dwight - Dwight
ladies - kadınlar
music - müzik
welcome - hoşgeldiniz
becomes - olur
always - Her zaman
digit - hane
feeling - duygu
break - kırılma
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
blind - kör
bumpers - tamponlar
since - dan beri
elton - elton
busloads - otobüs yükleri
paraphernalia - öteberi
scoring - puanlama
people - insanlar
write - yazmak
playing - oynama
please - lütfen
fucking - kahrolası
brighton - brighton
reginald - reginald
played - oyunun
wanna - istiyorum
trillion - trilyon
ridiculous - gülünç
scores - skorlar
stands - standları
silver - Gümüş
statue - heykel
there - Orada
pinball - langırt
without - olmadan
wizard - sihirbaz
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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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