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Öğrenmeye başla
Lynn went to your apartment this weekend
to speak with you,but you weren't there.
Oh, I must have been out.
You... You don't know
what I'm talking about.
- You're firing me?
- No. No.
People became concerned after
you went to the hospital Friday morning,
and it was decided,
after some discussion,
that it was best not to leave
a message on your phone.
- William died.
- When?
Friday night, actually.
- I'm sorry.
- You didn't kill him?
There's gonna be a small private
funeral on Wednesday, and then...
a full memorial
in several weeks.
Is that it?
I don't know what you're feeling,
even how close you were.
I mean, I guess...
I guess I can kind of imagine.
Yeah. I put that behind me.
Well, I'm sorry for my outburst
the other day. I was...
I was overly harsh.
Lynn's been telling me how vital
you were to William's work.
Always in the shadows,
never flagging,
and I pulled you out of the back room and
I forced you out onto the floor. It was...
It was a lot to ask.
I've gotten Felicity Ellerbee
to sign a document
absolving us of any wrongdoing
in her nephew's death.
It's a good thing that she...
She believes that you were
just acting in Derrell's best interests.
So, that's in the review.
And I've also learned today that we
picked up three new clients,
all of whom came
as referrals from your cases.
It seems like your personal attention,
giving out your cell phone,
is quite the calling card.
I wanna institute the practice
for all our attorneys.
Look, you can
still leave, of course.
I fully understand.
But I think maybe there's a...
You know, maybe there's a place
for you here...
- I wanna stay.
- You would?
Yes. I mean...
I'm tired of doing
the impossible for the ungrateful.
I now have more...
practical concerns.
- The...The suit's a big change.
- Thank you.
I prefer double-breasted,
You broke open
the piggy bank?
Yeah. Yes, I did.
My lack of success
is self-imposed.
So, Israel, there's a rumor
that you know the CPC by heart.
Yeah. Guilty as charged.
- Pleadings.
- Nine, forty eight, nine, seven, three.
- Demurrer for irregula...
- Twelve, forty eight.
Money laundering.
One, eight, six point nine.
One, eight, six, point one and zero
However, all pleadings
in those cases
are subject to the laws of joinder
and severance. That's nine, fifty four.
- Wow!
- Nice.
- Impressive.
You gotta be kidding me.
I gotta go.
See you, Jessie.
Listen, I got a Prop thirty six
I could really use help with.
We handled a lot of DTC motions
at my old firm.
Awesome. I have some free
time this afternoon, if you do.
I don't know what your caseload is like,
but I'll stop by?
- Yeah.
- Great.
wrongdoing - kabahat
weekend - hafta sonu
would - olur
wanna - istiyorum
ungrateful - nankör
tired - yorgun
thirty - otuz
think - düşünmek
thing - şey
talking - konuşma
twelve - on iki
success - başarı
still - yine
sorry - afedersiniz
severance - işten çıkarma
several - Birkaç
seems - görünüyor
rumor - söylenti
today - bugün
review - gözden geçirmek
referrals - yönlendirmeler
really - gerçekten mi
quite - oldukça
private - Özel
firing - ateşleme
floor - Zemin
piggy - domuzcuk
fully - tamamen
learned - bilgili
fifty - elli
weeks - haftalar
ellerbee - ellerbee
vital - hayati
telling - söylüyorum
however - Ancak
feeling - duygu
motions - hareketleri
double - Çift
thank - teşekkür
speak - konuşmak
doing - iş
funeral - cenaze
israel - İsrail
listen - dinlemek
document - belge
discussion - tartışma
seven - yedi
forty - kırk
flagging - cansız
forced - zorunlu
decided - karar
concerned - ilgili
interests - ilgi
pleadings - pleadings
close - kapat
could - could
absolving - absolving
always - Her zaman
afternoon - öğleden sonra
imagine - hayal etmek
after - sonra
impossible - imkansız
apartment - apartman
calling - çağrı
acting - oyunculuk
behind - arkasında
small - küçük
imposed - uygulanan
subject - konu
attention - dikkat
charged - yüklü
concerns - endişeler
about - hakkında
gotten - kazanılmış
message - mesaj
other - diğer
friday - Cuma
cases - vakalar
actually - aslında
believes - inanır
guilty - suçlu
practical - pratik
wednesday - çarşamba
three - üç
became - oldu
caseload - i̇ş programım
demurrer - itirazcı
change - değişiklik
awesome - müthiş
shadows - gölgeler
handled - ele
clients - istemciler
giving - vererek
gonna - olacak
gotta - lazım
attorneys - avukatları
great - harika
harsh - sert
there - Orada
pulled - çekti
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