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Öğrenmeye başla
Roman. Hey, Roman.
Where you going?
- Where you going?
- MLK.
Come on,
I'll give you a ride.
I'd rather walk.
Come on, Roman.
I just want to talk.
William taught a term at Loyola.
That's where we met.
I was, uh, top of my class.
Potential's a bitch.
Well, I'll tell you what's not is having
four offices and 60 people working for you.
He picked me
because I tossed him work.
You know, loser cases I didn't
want, or I was too busy to handle.
This, closing his office,
it's payback.
I'll collect a fee.
Look, it just so happens I could
use someone with your ability
and your power
of persuasive argument.
And I'll pay you twice what William
gave you. What do you say?
What makes you different
from this car?
Really? Okay.
I'm gonna tell you
something I think
maybe will surprise
and disappoint you.
I got a kickback from William for
every single case I gave him.
I have the records.
Apparently, you've been
by the messy business of running a small
criminal defense firm.
Was it wrong?
On some level, sure.
Does it diminish
what he did? Hell, no.
No, it allowed him to keep the doors open.
It kept you two going.
And to this day, I still
remember quotes from his class.
And that voice.
"What is tolerance? It is the
consequence of humanity.
"We are all formed of
frailty and error.
"Let us pardon reciprocally
each other's follies.
That is the first law
of nature."
So what do you say we forget
the past and move forward?
Pull over.
I can't work for you.
What are you gonna do?
I'll continue in
criminal litigation.
That's a bitch of a market.
- What if you can't find something? - What?
For argument's sake, if you can't find a
firm that'll take you on, what's next?
There is no next.
There is no argument's sake.
There's underwear model or activist
attorney. There is no next.
william - william
voice - Ses
where - nerede
untouched - dokunulmamış
twice - iki defa
tolerance - hata payı
think - düşünmek
there - Orada
taught - öğretilen
surprise - Sürpriz
something - bir şey
single - Tek
running - koşu
wrong - Yanlış
roman - Roma
remember - hatırlamak
rather - daha doğrusu
persuasive - ikna edici
payback - geri ödeme
offices - bürolar
office - ofis
records - kayıtlar
nature - doğa
model - model
power - Güç
different - farklı
class - sınıf
someone - Birisi
disappoint - hayal kırıklığına uğratmak
level - seviye
continue - devam et
consequence - sonuç
closing - kapanış
small - küçük
apparently - görünüşe göre
maybe - olabilir
defense - Savunma
happens - olur
underwear - iç çamaşırı
allowed - izin
bitch - orospu
still - yine
activist - eylemci
people - insanlar
forward - ileri
cases - vakalar
argument - tartışma
diminish - azaltmak
collect - toplamak
bullshit - saçmalık
picked - seçilmiş
messy - Dağınık
pardon - pardon
business - iş
ability - kabiliyet
litigation - dava
quotes - tırnak işareti
doors - kapılar
error - hata
follies - revü
because - Çünkü
every - proszę uważać
formed - oluşturulan
first - ilk
handle - sap
having - sahip olan
criminal - adli
kickback - komisyon
forget - unutmak
frailty - zayıflık
attorney - avukat
going - gidiş
gonna - olacak
humanity - insanlık
tossed - attı
loser - ezik
really - gerçekten mi
loyola - Loyola
makes - markaları
working - çalışma
reciprocally - karşılıklı olarak
could - could
market - pazar
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