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Öğrenmeye başla
Check out my wizard mane.
Really, man?
When I'm through with
these Smurfs
I'll have all the power
I've ever dreamed of!
Almost all the power.
Smurfette, what a lovely surprise.
Are you done crying in the woods?
I've shed enough tears for those Smurfs.
What's this?
I'm done pretending to be
something I'm not.
I've come to repledge
my loyalty to you, my true Papa.
- Impossible.
- She can't be serious.
No, no, no, she would never.
Even if I did believe you, which I don't,
what could you possibly offer me
that I don't already have?
A tiny little massage
that I can't even feel?
How about the rest of the Smurfs?
Yeah, right. Wait, what?
Just think of all the
power you'll have
once I reveal the location
of Smurf Village.
Well, let's see now.
One hundred more Smurfs,
that's ten times the power...
Whatever. It's a lot more power.
Now, why are you doing this?
I'm so tired of being good.
Use your power to transform me
back to my evil self.
Your loyalty has returned to you.
So, do we have a deal?
Smurfette, no!
Quiet, you vile blue rats. I'm thinking.
Okay, I'm done. Let's do it.
One evil Smurfette coming right up!
Wait. Of course!
What? What's happening? No! No!
What are you doing?
Yeah! Go, Smurfette!
Azrael, help! More power!
What are we going to do?
Bingo. We Smurfboard.
Payback time.
would - olur
wizard - sihirbaz
transform - dönüştürmek
tired - yorgun
whatever - her neyse
those - bu
thinking - düşünme
lovely - güzel
crying - ağlayan
smurf - şirine
could - could
which - hangi
think - düşünmek
being - olmak
course - kurs
almost - neredeyse
hundred - yüz
already - zaten
coming - gelecek
bingo - bingo
returned - iade
doing - iş
possibly - belki
believe - inanmak
through - vasitasiyla
little - küçük
check - kontrol
repledge - repledge
happening - olay
really - gerçekten mi
surprise - Sürpriz
going - gidiş
woods - orman
loyalty - bağlılık
something - bir şey
azrael - Azrail
village - köy
smurfs - Şirinler
massage - masaj
never - asla
these - bunlar
tears - gözyaşı
offer - teklif
payback - geri ödeme
times - zamanlar
power - Güç
impossible - imkansız
smurfboard - اللوح
location - yer
pretending - davranarak
enough - yeterli
quiet - sessiz
dreamed - hayal
about - hakkında
reveal - ortaya çıkartmak
serious - Ciddi
right - Sağ
smurfette - smurfette
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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