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Öğrenmeye başla
Screen says it's
an unimplemented trap.
But the error code is
wrong. It's a system error.
- So what's the upshot?
- It's not gonna say hello.
It absolutely
is gonna say hello.
This thing is overbuilt.
It worked last night. It
worked the night before that.
It worked three hours...
Everything else is working.
Skip over the voice demo.
We need it to say hello.
You're not hearing me.
- It's not going to say hello.
- Fix it.
- Fix it?
- Yeah.
- In 40 minutes?
- Fix it.
- I can't.
- Who's the person who can?
I'm the person who can, and I can't.
- How bad are you saying?
- It's pretty bad.
I don't know what that means.
It means the demo is more
than likely gonna crash.
You have to keep your voices down.
Joel Pforzheimer is
sitting out in the house.
I don't care if... Who's Joel Pforzheimer?
GQ. He's been shadowing you for a week.
Did you notice?
Just look like everything's fine.
He's sitting out in the house.
What are you guys saying?
Some kind of race condition, but we
haven't been able to track it down yet.
Is the synthesizer sampling fast?
No, so the rates are off
and it keeps crashing.
It's 20 seconds out of a
two-hour launch. Why not just cut it?
We can't cut it.
Two days ago, we ran
a Super Bowl ad
that could've won the Oscar
for Best Short Film.
There are more people
who can tell you about the ad
than can tell
you who won the game.
I understand, but the ad said
the Mac was gonna save the world.
It didn't say it was gonna say hello.
We open the house in five.
Don't open the house.
We're taking a quick break.
- Part of the problem is...
- What?
if it's a hardware problem, we can't
get into the back.
Why not?
- Do you wanna tell her or should I?
- Don't start with me, man.
- Why can't he get into the machine?
- You need special tools.
What kind of special tools?
He didn't want users to be able to open it.
You need special tools.
Is this for real?
There are a hundred
engineers walking around here.
None of them have the tools?
In fairness, not many of
them were issued the tools.
What about you?
I left them at the office.
It was 3:00 AM...
- Cut "Hello."
- No.
What's the first
rule of a launch?
- It's not gonna crash.
- It just did.
- Andy!
- Which one?
The other Andy. You're right
there. Why would I be calling out?
The exit signs need to be off or
we're not gonna get a full blackout.
We've spoken to the building
manager and the fire marshal.
There's absolutely no way they're gonna
let us turn the exit signs off.
I'll pay whatever the fine is.
The fine is they're gonna come
in and tell everyone to leave.
You explained to the fire marshal
that we're in here changing the world?
I did, but unless we can also change
the properties of fire, he doesn't care.
If a fire causes a stampede
to the unmarked exits,
it'll have been well worth
it for those who survive.
For those who don't, less
so, but still pretty good.
I need it to go black. Real black.
Get rid of the exit signs and
don't let me know how you did it.
Fix the voice demo.
wrong - Yanlış
worth - değer
oscar - Oskar
saying - söz
notice - ihbar
night - gece
change - değişiklik
super - süper
machine - makine
launch - başlatmak
likely - muhtemelen
screen - ekran
hello - merhaba
office - ofis
engineers - mühendisler
minutes - dakika
right - Sağ
hearing - işitme
leave - ayrılmak
everyone - Herkes
means - anlamına geliyor
building - Bina
break - kırılma
blackout - karartma
before - önce
other - diğer
about - hakkında
marshal - mareşal
fairness - adalet
special - özel
problem - Sorun
hours - saatler
signs - işaretler
would - olur
wanna - istiyorum
start - başlama
keeps - tutar
properties - özellikleri
calling - çağrı
walking - yürüme
manager - müdür
crashing - kilitlenen
going - gidiş
causes - nedenleri
black - siyah
issued - Veriliş
hardware - donanım
tools - araçlar
changing - değiştirme
house - ev
condition - şart
everything - her şey
around - etrafında
exits - çıkışlar
absolutely - kesinlikle
overbuilt - overbuilt
understand - anlama
system - sistem
people - insanlar
first - ilk
error - hata
person - kişi
pretty - güzel
rates - oranları
quick - hızlı
pforzheimer - pforzheimer
sampling - örnekleme
shadowing - gölgeleme
short - kısa
there - Orada
should - meli
sitting - oturma
spoken - konuşulmuş
stampede - izdiham
voices - sesleri
still - yine
survive - hayatta kalmak
hundred - yüz
synthesizer - sentezleyici
taking - alma
thing - şey
crash - kaza
three - üç
whatever - her neyse
track - iz
explained - açıkladı
gonna - olacak
unimplemented - uygulanmayan
unless - olmadıkça
unmarked - işaretsiz
upshot - netice
those - bu
users - kullanıcılar
which - hangi
voice - Ses
worked - işlenmiş
seconds - saniye
working - çalışma
world - Dünya
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