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Öğrenmeye başla
Her prayers echoed the grief
of an entire nation.
The small projectile
from the derringer
that John Wilkes Booth used
was still lodged...
Hey, I got fleas.
You distract him.
And all night long...
The Vigil waited in that small boarding
house across from Ford's theatre,
until the wee hours
in the morning...
When fate dealt
that final blow...
A crowd of mourners gathered...
White, black...
Rich and poor.
And so, 10 hours
after that fatal shot,
president Abraham Lincoln...
Mr. Howard,
where are you going?
Mr. Howard.
Todd Howard,
I've been wanting to
speak with you, young man.
Your disruptive behavior
at yesterday's reception
warrants my personal
attention, don't you think?
I don't like practical jokes.
I am not a funny man.
Frankly, I fail
to see the humor
of dressing up in a dog costume
and trying to
frighten our alumni.
But, Dean Dunn...
- Don't give me any of that back talk!
If you're trying to push me,
you have no idea who
you're dealing with.
Your first fight is coming up.
So far, I'm unimpressed.
You'd better not fail me,
because if you do,
I'll call every Dean
at every school,
and you'll never go to college,
anywhere, ever.
Do I make myself crystal clear?
Strange boy.
where - nerede
vigil - gece nöbeti
trying - çalışıyor
wilkes - wilkes
wanting - eksik
think - düşünmek
until - a kadar
theatre - tiyatro
still - yine
small - küçük
reception - Resepsiyon
projectile - mermi
prayers - namaz
school - okul
practical - pratik
personal - kişisel
night - gece
young - genç
never - asla
mourners - yaslı
clear - açık
crowd - kalabalık
crystal - kristal
boarding - yatılı
warrants - garanti
disruptive - yıkıcı
waited - bekledi
strange - garip
president - devlet başkanı
frankly - açıkçası
costume - kostüm
abraham - ibrahim
derringer - derringer
anywhere - herhangi bir yer
dressing - pansuman
across - karşısında
college - kolej
dealt - ele
dealing - muamele
attention - dikkat
hours - saatler
booth - kabin
after - sonra
alumni - mezunlar
behavior - davranış
black - siyah
unimpressed - etkilenmemiş
going - gidiş
grief - keder
first - ilk
lincoln - lincoln
better - Daha iyi
echoed - yankılandı
entire - Tüm
myself - kendim
coming - gelecek
because - Çünkü
every - proszę uważać
fatal - ölümcül
white - beyaz
speak - konuşmak
morning - sabah
fight - kavga
final - nihai
howard - howard
distract - dikkatini dağıtmak
fleas - pire
frighten - korkutmak
jokes - espriler
funny - komik
gathered - toplanmış
house - ev
nation - ulus
humor - mizah
lodged - açılmış
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