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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
Öğrenmeye başla
She looks familiar.
- She's the girl on your computer.
- Yeah.
He's got you on his computer.
I'm his probation officer.
Don't forget Aunt May.
He's a character.
That's my, my uncle.
He's a pathological liar.
He thought you were someone else.
Oh, man, you don't have me
on your computer?
I took a photo of the debate team,
and you're in the debate team, so...
- Right.
- So...
Then he must have seen...
I was touching up stuff.
- Touching up stuff?
- Come on.
I'm not gonna answer that.
- Did you get expelled?
- No, no.
I didn't get expelled.
I got community service.
So you want to... I don't know...?
Want to what?
I don't know... We could...
Or we could do something else,
or we could...
- If you don't feel like, we could...
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, either one.
- Really?
- Sure.
All right, good. Sounds good.
You know, I can't right now,
I can't right now.
But maybe...
- Yeah, just, you know...
- Some other...
- Time, all right.
- Okay.
uncle - amca dayı
touching - dokunma
stuff - şey
sounds - sesleri
something - bir şey
familiar - Tanıdık
either - ya
someone - Birisi
forget - unutmak
pathological - patolojik
right - Sağ
thought - düşünce
debate - tartışma
could - could
answer - cevap
other - diğer
character - karakter
looks - görünüyor
community - toplum
service - hizmet
computer - bilgisayar
gonna - olacak
expelled - sınırdışı
probation - deneme
maybe - olabilir
officer - subay
photo - fotoğraf
really - gerçekten mi
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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