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Öğrenmeye başla
He does not contribute.
He's a man who walks
in front of bullets!
Mr. LaBoeuf drew single-handed
upon the Lucky Ned Pepper gang
while we fired safely from cover.
It is unfair to indict a man when
his jaw is swollen and tongue mangled
and who is therefore unable
to rise to his own defense!
I can speak for myself.
I am hardly obliged to answer
the ravings of a drunkard.
It is beneath me.
I shall make my own camp elsewhere.
It is you who have
nothing to offer, Cogburn.
A sad picture indeed.
This is no longer a
manhunt. It is a debauch.
The Texas Ranger presses on alone.
Take the girl. I bow out.
A fine thing to decide
once you brought her
into the middle of the Choctaw Nation.
I bow out! I wash my hands!
Gentlemen, we cannot
fall out in this fashion.
Not so close to our goal,
with Tom Chaney nearly in hand.
In hand?
If he is not in a shallow grave
somewhere between here
and Fort Smith, he is gone!
Long gone!
Thanks to Mr. LaBoeuf,
we missed our shot.
We've barked, and the birds have flown!
Gone, gone, gone!
Lucky Ned and his cohort gone.
Your $50 gone!
Gone the whiskey, seized in evidence!
The trail is cold,
if there ever was one.
I'm a foolish old man who has
been drawn into a wild-goose chase
by a harpy in trousers and a nincompoop!
Well, Mr. LaBoeuf, he can wander the
Choctaw Nation for as long as he likes.
Perhaps the local
Indians will take him in
and honor his gibberings
by making him chief!
You, sister, may go where you like.
Our engagement is terminated.
I bow out.
whiskey - viski
where - nerede
unfair - haksız
trousers - pantolon
there - Orada
thanks - teşekkürler
swollen - şişmiş
somewhere - bir yerde
smith - demirci
while - süre
single - Tek
sister - kız kardeş
shall - -acak
ravings - deli saçması
presses - presler
picture - resim
offer - teklif
obliged - zorunlu
unable - aciz
trail - iz
thing - şey
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
tongue - dil
nation - ulus
shallow - sığ
myself - kendim
missed - cevapsız
mangled - ezilmiş
making - yapma
drawn - çekilmiş
safely - güvenli bir şekilde
debauch - debauch
cohort - kohort
seized - ele geçirilen
alone - yalnız
longer - uzun
choctaw - choctaw
decide - karar ver
close - kapat
hands - eller
cover - kapak
barked - havladı
nincompoop - sersem
contribute - katkıda bulunmak
lucky - şanslı
chase - kovalamak
answer - cevap
brought - getirdi
wander - gezmek
terminated - sona
ranger - korucu
cogburn - Cogburn
foolish - aptalca
between - arasında
chaney - Chaney
likes - seviyor
beneath - altında
engagement - nişan
middle - orta
honor - onur
bullets - mermiler
chief - şef
defense - Savunma
indians - kızılderili
walks - yürüyüşleri
elsewhere - başka yerde
therefore - Bu nedenle
evidence - kanıt
texas - Teksas
speak - konuşmak
fashion - moda
handed - eli
perhaps - belki
flown - uçakla
birds - kuşlar
goose - Kaz
local - Yerel
front - Ön
gentlemen - beyler
nearly - neredeyse
manhunt - insan avı
gibberings - gibberings
grave - mezar
cannot - yapamam
hardly - zorlukla
harpy - acımasız kadın
pepper - biber
indeed - aslında
drunkard - ayyaş
laboeuf - laboeuf
fired - ateş
indict - suçlamak
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