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Öğrenmeye başla
I'm Anita Hoargarth.
Buck Melanoma,
Moley Russell's wart.
Not her wart.
I'm the wart.
She's my tumor, my... my growth,
my... my pimple. I'm "Uncle Wart."
Just old Buck "Wart" Russell,
that's what they call me.
Or Melanoma Head.
They'll call me that.
"Melanoma Head's" coming.
I'm sor-- Uncle, Maizy Russell's uncle.
I'm her uncle.
Her mother set up
this conference with you.
I'm assistant principal here...
as you've probably noticed
from the indications on the door.
- This door?
- The outer door!
- The outer door.
- Yes.
'Cause there's
nothing on this one.
That's just about enough of that.
I've been an educator
for 31.3 years...
and in that time,
I've seen a lot of bad eggs.
I say "eggs" because
at the elementary level...
we are not dealing
with fully-developed individuals.
I see a bad egg
when I look at your niece.
She is a twiddler, a dreamer...
a silly heart.
She is a jabberbox.
And, frankly...
I don't think she takes a thing...
in her life or her career
as a student seriously.
She's only six.
That is not a valid excuse!
I hear that every day and I dismiss it.
I don't think I want
to know a six-year-old
who isn't a dreamer
or a silly heart.
And I sure don't want to know one who
takes their student career seriously.
I don't have a college degree.
I don't even have a job.
Does anyone have a special
story to tell the class
about something
that happened this week?
My uncle was microwaving my socks...
and the dog threw up on the couch
for about an hour.
- Honest?
- Yes.
Why was your uncle
microwaving your socks?
He can't get the goddamn
washing machine to work.
But I know a good kid when I see one.
Because they're all good kids...
until dried-out, brain-dead skags
like you...
drag them down and convince them
they're no good.
You so much as scowl at my niece
or any other kid in this school...
and I hear about it,
I'm coming looking for you.
Take this quarter.
Go downtown...
and have a rat gnaw that thing
off your face.
washing - Yıkama
valid - geçerli
until - a kadar
uncle - amca dayı
twiddler - twiddler
tumor - tümör
threw - attı
think - düşünmek
student - öğrenci
story - öykü
socks - çorap
skags - skags
seriously - cidden mi
scowl - sert bakış
russell - russell
quarter - çeyrek
probably - muhtemelen
school - okul
principal - asıl
pimple - sivilce
noticed - fark
thing - şey
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
dreamer - hayalperest
special - özel
silly - saçma
downtown - şehir merkezinde
something - bir şey
developed - gelişmiş
happened - olmuş
educator - eğitmen
degree - derece
enough - yeterli
growth - Büyüme
niece - yeğen
convince - ikna etmek
conference - Konferans
takes - alır
brain - Beyin
their - onların
anyone - kimse
other - diğer
about - hakkında
looking - seyir
frankly - açıkçası
hoargarth - hoargarth
microwaving - microwaving
blasphemer - kâfir
mother - anne
dismiss - azletme
dealing - muamele
maizy - Maizy
career - kariyer
dried - kurutulmuş
assistant - asistan
college - kolej
couch - kanepe
elementary - temel
indications - endikasyonları
coming - gelecek
because - Çünkü
every - proszę uważać
excuse - bahane
melanoma - melanom
years - Yıl
class - sınıf
fully - tamamen
heart - kalp
anita - anita
goddamn - lanet olası
honest - Dürüst
individuals - bireyler
outer - Dış
jabberbox - geveze
level - seviye
machine - makine
moley - moley
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