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Öğrenmeye başla
Welcome to Alpha, the City
of a Thousand Planets.
Alex, can you update us?
I'd be delighted to.
The Alpha Station
has grown 7% this year,
and since it left the
terrestrial orbit,
it has traveled almost
700 million miles.
Almost thirty million.
3,236 species
from the four corners
of the universe live on board,
pooling their
knowledge and cultures.
Over five thousand
languages spoken
not counting the various
computer languages.
To the south
are the submerged parts,
with eight hundred species living
in all kinds of liquids.
Such as the peaceful
Poulong farmers who grow cobalt.
To the north, we have gaseous
lands dominated by the Azin Mö,
whose extreme sensitivity
makes them specialists
in neurosciences and
molecular components.
They can build
cells of any kind.
To the east of them,
the large colony of Omelites.
They control information technology,
finance, and banking.
Finally, to the west,
in a pressurized atmosphere,
we have nine million humans
and compatible species.
Home sweet home.
whose - kimin
welcome - hoşgeldiniz
universe - evren
traveled - seyahat
thousand - bin
thirty - otuz
terrestrial - karasal
sweet - tatlı
species - türler
specialists - uzmanlar
south - güney
since - dan beri
their - onların
sensitivity - duyarlılık
poulong - poulong
station - istasyon
pooling - havuzlama
extreme - aşırı
knowledge - bilgi
eight - sekiz
update - güncelleştirme
dominated - hakim
orbit - yörünge
languages - duujjil
delighted - memnun olmak
planets - gezegenler
cultures - Kültürler
counting - sayma
large - geniş
parts - parçalar
board - yazı tahtası
cells - Hücreler
various - Çeşitli
technology - teknoloji
control - kontrol
components - bileşenler
submerged - batık
makes - markaları
farmers - çiftçiler
colony - koloni
gaseous - gazlı
atmosphere - atmosfer
build - inşa etmek
almost - neredeyse
north - kuzeyinde
corners - köşeleri
cobalt - kobalt
population - nüfus
computer - bilgisayar
compatible - uyumlu
finally - en sonunda
neurosciences - neuroscıences
finance - maliye
spoken - konuşulmuş
molecular - moleküler
demographics - demografisi
alpha - alfa
grown - yetişkin
pressurized - basınçlı
hundred - yüz
information - bilgi
humans - insanlar
kinds - çeşit
lands - topraklar
liquids - sıvılar
living - yaşam
banking - bankacılık
peaceful - huzurlu
million - milyon
miles - mil
omelites - omelites
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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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