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Öğrenmeye başla
There's something down here.
And it's carnivorous.
Whatever it is,
it appears to be human.
I'd say he's a size seventeen.
Around 360 pounds.
eight and a half to nine feet tall.
He is a...
a bad gimp in his right leg
and three copper teeth.
How do you know he has copper teeth?
Because he's standing
right behind you. Move!
Oh, my God!
The Frankenstein monster!
Monster? Who's the monster here?
I have done nothing wrong...
and yet you and your kind
all wish me dead!
What do you want?
To exist.
- We must kill it.
- Wait.
If you value your lives
and the lives of your kind...
- You will kill me.
- No.
If Dracula finds me...
I am the key to my father's machine.
The key to life.
Life for Dracula's children.
He already awakened them last night.
Two. And those were
from only one bride.
From one single birthing.
And they died
as they did the last time he tried.
Only with me
can he give them lasting life.
There are more?
More of those things?
Thousands more.
wrong - Yanlış
whatever - her neyse
there - Orada
things - eşyalar
something - bir şey
pounds - pound
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
single - Tek
bride - gelin
around - etrafında
seventeen - on yedi
awakened - uyanmış
behind - arkasında
lives - hayatları
those - bu
machine - makine
standing - ayakta
children - çocuklar
because - Çünkü
already - zaten
birthing - doğum
appears - belirir
thousands - binlerce
right - Sağ
finds - buluntular
carnivorous - etobur
three - üç
copper - bakır
dracula - dracula
tried - denenmiş
lasting - kalıcı
night - gece
exist - var olmak
eight - sekiz
value - değer
teeth - diş
monster - canavar
frankenstein - frankenstein
human - insan
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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