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Öğrenmeye başla
- There were no nuclear weapons in Iran.
- But there will be.
The Middle East is our last war.
It will be us or them.
I choose that Kevin Charles Walker
will be the last American soldier
to die in that conflict in vain.
You want that as your son's legacy?
Murdering millions of people in his name?
Mr. President, I wish the pen
were mightier than the sword, I do.
But it's just a dream.
Stand up, sir.
History will judge who the true patriots
were here today.
I've been standing up, Martin,
and I'm not gonna open that.
Martin, that's not necessary.
How about now?
I can't open this for him.
If I do, millions of people are gonna die,
you understand that?
I understand.
God damn it!
Tyler, what the hell is going on?
We got thermal alarms going off
in the second-floor dining room,
the West Sitting Hall,
and the president's bedroom.
Killick, he's trying to burn the place
down. Second floor. Send your men.
Tyler? Turn off
the goddamn sprinklers!
Who makes this shit?
What was that?
I've been waiting all day to kill you.
Stop hurting my White House!
German mantle clock. Empire style.
weapons - silahlar
walker - yürüteç
waiting - bekleme
tyler - tyler
trying - çalışıyor
history - tarih
german - almanca
gonna - olacak
killick - killick
going - gidiş
president - devlet başkanı
goddamn - lanet olası
charles - charles
bedroom - yatak odası
floor - Zemin
alarms - alarm
american - Amerikan
white - beyaz
clock - saat
kevin - kevin
house - ev
thermal - termal
about - hakkında
martin - kırlangıç
choose - seçmek
conflict - fikir ayrılığı
dining - yemek
dream - rüya
legacy - miras
judge - hakim
necessary - Gerekli
millions - milyonlarca
empire - imparatorluk
style - stil
makes - markaları
mantle - örtü
place - yer
middle - orta
mightier - güçlüdür
murdering - katil
nuclear - nükleer
standing - ayakta
patriots - vatanseverleri
sword - kılıç
people - insanlar
today - bugün
second - ikinci
sitting - oturma
there - Orada
hurting - zarar
soldier - asker
sprinklers - fıskiye
understand - anlama
stand - durmak
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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