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The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert - People Like You

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    Category: Movie Scenes
    video script
    words to study

    Hello. Could I please have
    a Stoli and tonic,

    a Bloody Mary,
    and a lime daiquiri, please?

    Well, look what
    the cat dragged in

    What have we got here, eh?

    A couple of showgirls, have we?

    Where did you ladies
    come in from? Uranus?

    - Could I please have a Stoli...
    - No! You can't have.

    You can't have nothing.

    We've got nothing here
    for people like you.


    Now listen here, you mullet.

    Why don't you just light your tampon
    and blow your box apart,

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    Click on a word or highlight a phrase to see translation


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