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How to pronounce put in English


Examples from movies with Put

Passionately put, Ella. Give yourself a pat on the back.
Ella Enchanted - Hold Your Tongue
and he has put giants and elves to work as laborers and entertainers.
Ella Enchanted - Hold Your Tongue
You know how much money that is to put them through school?
Get Him to the Greek - Chocolate Daddy
Sir, I'm not sure that I would put it that way. But let me clarify.
Margin Call - The Music Stops
If the music were to stop, as you put it,
Margin Call - The Music Stops
You have put everything that you've accomplished with your music at risk.
De-Lovely - Spoiled Behavior
It's all the same thing. I can't put my talent here and my behavior here...
De-Lovely - Spoiled Behavior
- I wanna put the pubes in my mouth. - You love pubes?
Date and Switch - Pot Brownie
Don't you put me in this corner where I have to fuck my way out.
Funny People - Marginally Famous A**hole
And the Chairman, Jesus, the way he put his foot down,
Frost/Nixon - No Holds Barred
But I'll put up the pawn ticket that redeems it...
Lucky You - Pays to be Prudent
You put on a perfect song, you make them a drink.
Crazy, Stupid, Love - I'm R-Rated Sexy
Why did they pull you off the field and put you up here?
The Bourne Legacy - We're Done Talking
and you put them in a room with a psychic.
Serenity - Fall on Your Sword

Audio pronunciation of Put

American pronunciation

Put pronounced by Ivy (child, girl)
Put pronounced by Joanna (female)
Put pronounced by Kendra (female)
Put pronounced by Kimberly (female)
Put pronounced by Salli (female)
Put pronounced by Joey (male)
Put pronounced by Justin (child, boy)
Put pronounced by Matthew (male)

British pronunciation

Put pronounced by Amy (female)
Put pronounced by Emma (female)
Put pronounced by Brian (male)

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