تعلم الإنجليزية الحقيقية من الأفلام والكتب.

أضف كلمات أو عبارات للتعلم والتدريب مع متعلمين آخرين.

  • Phrase 1/16

    Charlotte and David are busy. They are cookingcookcooks dinner now.

  • Phrase 2/16

    Peter sometimes readreadsis reading comics.

  • Phrase 3/16

    I likesare likinglike spaghetti.

  • Phrase 4/16

    He studiesis studyingstudy for his test tonight.

  • Phrase 5/16

    We is watchingare watchingwatch a horror film right now.

  • Phrase 6/16

    Does he playAre he playingIs he playing the guitar this week?

  • Phrase 7/16

    My mother makemakesis making breakfast today.

  • Phrase 8/16

    Look! The boys are comingis comingcome home right now.

  • Phrase 9/16

    We don’t tidytidiesdoesn't tidy our bedrooms on Sunday.

  • Phrase 10/16

    My friends always are meetingmeetmeets at the weekends.

  • Phrase 11/16

    What doareis you dodoesdoing now?

  • Phrase 12/16

    I preferprefersam preferring this scarf

  • Phrase 13/16

    We often playare playingplays cards in the evening, but today we playis playingare playing board games.

  • Phrase 14/16

    What isdoare your favorite sport?

  • Phrase 15/16

    Her brother doesn't likedon't likelike chocolate ice - cream.

  • Phrase 16/16

    She is talkingare talkingtalks on the phone at the moment.