Liza was a lesbian who lived in the Bronx
She used to make me dinner when the winter's were long
Liza packed a pistol and a train to St. John
A long Lincoln Continental took a boat near and far,
we used to count stars while Mary tended bar
Liza's long term lover Mary buried her last broad
Stuck her twice quick,
with an ice pick,
Workin' on the night shift
Then took flight in light
so bright it hurt her eyes
so she cursed the skies,
Gripping her purse tight
bursting through the night,
with her hands washed clean
Of the murder scene,
she moved To New York City
hung with Hookers and fenes,
then one night she met Liza in the bar that she worked,
Serving appetizers in a button down shirt,
They got along and together liked high heels and short skirts,
so Mary packed her bags and she became Liza's bird
Then I saw less and less of Liza and the last that I heard of her Mary murdered her
Roll the dice,
every soul's gotta price
For a fene
while your teen
do things you can't believe
And kids in poverty
pull tricks and robberies,
so do what you gotta do to get off the streets
Jesse moved to Hollywood to take his great chance,
with a dream in his heart And a blade in his pants,
Jesse waited Tables at a fancy place on Robinson
One day the boss' daughter strutted in and spotted him
She said, 'hey little Cutie you're a beauty follow me',
while - في حين
trick - خدعة
train - قطار
through - عبر
things - أشياء
tended - مالت
sunset - غروب الشمس
sucked - امتص
streets - الشوارع
sweat - عرق
stilettos - الخناجر
stars - النجوم
spotted - مراقب
south - جنوب
smoke - دخان
slouch - تحدب
skies - السماوات
short - قصيرة
stuck - عالق
shoot - أطلق النار
shiny - لامع
shift - تحول
twice - مرتين
tight - ضيق
robberies - السرقات
flight - طيران
waited - انتظر
dream - حلم
whole - كامل
dragged - جره
thought - فكر
skirts - التنانير
great - عظيم
syringe - محقنة
light - ضوء
scene - مشهد
bright - مشرق
hands - أيادي
together - سويا
daughter - ابنة
across - عبر
cringed - متذلل
first - الأول
parties - حفلات
fancy - غير حقيقي
couch - أريكة
button - زر
lincoln - لينكولن
clean - نظيف
every - individle
hookers - المومسات
poverty - فقر
corvette - الحراقة سفينة حربية قديمة
lesbian - مثليه
gripping - الامساك
dough - عجينة
gotta - فلدي
could - استطاع
films - الأفلام
mouth - فم
cartoons - الرسوم
front - أمامي
around - حول
dinner - وجبة عشاء
learned - تعلم
after - بعد
beauty - جمال
robinson - روبنسون
flicks - النقر
outta - وتا
believe - يصدق
night - ليل
worked - عمل
casting - صب
tables - الجداول
purse - محفظة
drowned - غرق
liked - احب
bronx - برونكس
strutted - يختال
lover - حبيب
something - شيئا ما
black - أسود
place - مكان
count - عد
broke - حطم
washed - مغسول
pocket - جيب
champ - عض
broad - واسع
script - النصي
became - أصبح
chance - فرصة
price - السعر
cutie - كتي
bursting - انفجار
looked - بدا
appetizers - مقبلات
harpoon - رمح لصيد الحيتان
quick - بسرعة
اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها
اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها