Aiyyo turn me up in my headphones man

I want this shit motherfuckin blarin

It ain't loud enough man

Oh these muh'fuckers think I'm gon' play with 'em

Oh I ain't gon' play wit'cha - I ain't gon play wit'cha man!

Ha ha ha.. I need y'all to sing children

Sing, I like it when the children sing

I like it when you sing; I like it when they sing man

That lets you know something's comin

Oh it's comin - aww man something's comin

I like this sound of this - something's comin

You can picture like a photograph, envision the image

Of one-two-fifth street and Lenox

The old folks their souls are cold like tenants

Tryin to keep your weight up better eat that spinach

For four twenty-five niggaz lives get diminished

The world serious, I'm tryin to win a pennant

Cops be on patrol through the block every minute

Itchin just to pop somethin, swearin I'm a menace

They disturb me but it's love like tennis

Man, cap to the side and my jersey is vintage

Chicks'll make a nigga dick hard like a Guinness

Damn it's a scam but I handle my business

Tryin to be the man if the Lord be my witness

Do my {?} with the walk sign for my physical fitness

16's sicker than all signed flows it's ridiculous

Hold up

[Chorus: children sing]

world - العالمية
workin - العمل في
whore - عاهرة
where - أين
vintage - عتيق
twenty - عشرون
tryin - حاولت
through - عبر
verbal - شفهي
think - يفكر
these - هؤلاء
theme - المقدمة
warner - نذير
tenants - المستأجرين
swoll - swoll
sweet - حلو
swearin - اقسم في
street - شارع
spinach - سبانخ
folks - الناس
bling - مبالغ فيه
motherfuckin - اللتي
every - individle
detroit - ديترويت
fitness - اللياقه البدنيه
block - منع
tuned - ضبطها
guesswork - التخمين
picture - صورة
enough - كافية
disturb - إزعاج
bunny - أرنب
lives - الأرواح
flows - يطفو
hardest - أصعب
image - صورة
funny - مضحك
photograph - تصوير
diminished - تضاءل
crews - أطقم
comin - كومين
really - هل حقا
cocoons - شرانق
engaged - مخطوب \ مخطوبة
boring - ملل
focused - ركز
business - اعمال
actin - dünnhäutig,
beautiful - جميلة
still - ما يزال
seein - أرى في
better - أفضل
pharmaceuticals - الأدوية
diddy - ديدي
conviction - قناعة
chose - اختار
whole - كامل
balloons - بالونات
bring - احضر
facts - حقائق
beyond - وراء
minute - اللحظة
chorus - جوقة
patrol - دورية
fifth - خامس
chicks - الكتاكيت
brother - شقيق
about - حول
headphones - سماعات الرأس
sound - صوت
friend - صديق
brothers - الإخوة
ridiculous - سخيف
envision - تصور
across - عبر
cause - سبب
speech - خطاب
stadium - ملعب
bluetooth - بلوتوث
children - الأطفال
suitable - متكافئ
grind - طحن
honey - عسل
piston - مكبس
menace - تهديد
cavities - التجاويف
shows - عروض
involved - متورط
wrapped - مغطى
caesar - قيصر
guinness - غينيس
jersey - جيرسي
their - هم
kickstand - مسنده
learn - تعلم
lesson - درس
service - الخدمات
listenin - inadecuado
literally - حرفيا
majesty - جلالة

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