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كلمات اغنية I Know the End - Phoebe Bridgers

I Know the End - Phoebe Bridgers

كلمات للدراسة

Somewhere in Germany, but I can't place it

Man, I hate this part of Texas

Close my eyes, fantasize

Three clicks and I'm home

When I get back I'll lay around

Then I'll get up and lay back down

Romanticize a quiet life

There's no place like my room

But you had to go, I know, I know, I know

Like a wave that crashed and melted on the shore

Not even the burnouts are out here anymore

And you had to go, I know, I know, I know

Out in the park, we watch the sunset

Talking on a rusty swing set

After a while you went quiet

And I got mean

I'm always pushing you away from me

But you come back with gravity

And when I call, you come home