[Verse 1]

Two tickets to the rabbit hole, please

I gave them half my earnings and all they gave me was this suite

She's fuelling up whilst talking down to me

God you must be the biggest caner this whole world has ever seen

Take what you want from me, Isabel


Isabel, you make it feel as though I've won and the dullest parts may never come

Isabel, I'm much better, Isabel

When you're ripping my life apart

I think it's you that's the true rockstar around here

world - العالمية
whole - كامل
white - أبيض
though - اعتقد
teach - علم
sweat - عرق
store - متجر
whilst - في حين
rising - ارتفاع
suite - جناح
ripping - تمزيق
rabbit - أرنب
please - رجاء
could - استطاع
think - يفكر
alone - وحده
confidence - الثقة
never - أبدا
whisper - همسة
verse - بيت شعر
tickets - تذاكر
keeps - تحافظ
better - أفضل
around - حول
collar - طوق
apart - بعيدا، بمعزل، على حد
earnings - أرباح
depth - عمق
biggest - أكبر
covered - مغطى
without - بدون
dullest - باهتة
talking - الحديث
isabel - إيزابيل
school - مدرسة
fuelling - تأجيج
because - لان
leave - غادر
sweetheart - حبيبة القلب
keeping - حفظ
oxygenated - المؤكسد
chorus - جوقة
parts - أجزاء

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