تعلم الإنجليزية الحقيقية من الأفلام والكتب.
أضف كلمات أو عبارات للتعلم والتدريب مع متعلمين آخرين.
استخدم شريط التمرير لتحرير بداية ونهاية مقطع الفيديو
انقر فوق رموز التدريب التي تريد إضافة العبارة لها لمزيد من الدراسة
انقر كلمة أو أبرز عبارة لرؤية الترجمة
انقر "زائد" لإضافة كلمة/عبارة للتعلم
ابدأ التعلم
Good evening, boss.
Please do not call me that.
I want you to think of me
as your colleague.
So tell me something. Are you excited
about working with Strangé?
Stop. You know I didn't come up here
to talk to you about no Strangé.
I came up here to talk to you about us.
I'm rapping. This is
my mack-daddy vibe I'm giving you
in all of its splendour.
- What's up?
- Really?
Yes. I mean, eleganz a
mack daddy of the month.
I see. Well, let me... let me get a good look.
Check it. Just like Jet magazine.
- What's up?
- Oh, you are absolutely wonderful.
But I... I think that we should kind of
make this clear right from the start,
so there's no misunderstanding.
You see, I don't date men I work with.
- Then, I quit.
- You can't quit
because I need you.
No, hon, wait one sec.
You have an eyelash. It's gonna
go in your eye. Wait. Come here.
- Are you all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
- Tryin' to seduce me.
- What?
That was very seductive.
- You know what I...
- You had something in your eye.
I saved your eye.
I know what it's like when
you have somethin' in your eye.
It was never like you just did.
Come on now. That was very seductive.
And let me assure you of something.
When I seduce you,
if I decide to seduce you,
don't worry, you'll know.
working - عامل
worry - قلق
wonderful - رائع
strang - سترنغ
think - يفكر
something - شيئا ما
seductive - الإغراء
seduce - غوى
right - حق
start - بداية
decide - قرر
really - هل حقا
should - ينبغي
saved - تم الحفظ
eleganz - eleganz
colleague - زميل
because - لان
check - التحقق من
misunderstanding - سوء فهم
splendour - روعة
daddy - بابا
absolutely - إطلاقا
assure - ضمان
evening - مساء
rapping - موسيقى الراب
excited - فرح
about - حول
eyelash - رمشة عين
magazine - مجلة
giving - إعطاء
clear - واضح
please - رجاء
gonna - سوف
month - شهر
never - أبدا
انقر كلمة أو أبرز عبارة لرؤية الترجمة
انقر "زائد" لإضافة كلمة/عبارة للتعلم
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