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تعليمات مشاهدة الفيديو

Bowling for Columbine - Open a Bank Account, Get a Free Gun (Ar)

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    انقر كلمة أو أبرز عبارة لرؤية الترجمة


    انقر "زائد" لإضافة كلمة/عبارة للتعلم


    ابدأ التعلم

    الفئة: Movie Scenes
    نص الفيديو
    كلمات للدراسة

    I'm here to open up an account.

    Okay, what type of account
    would you like?

    I want the account where
    I can, uh, get the free gun.

    I'd spotted an ad
    in the local Michigan paper

    that said if you opened an
    account at North Country Bank,

    the bank would give you a gun.

    You do a CD
    and we'll hand you a gun.

    We have a whole brochure here
    that you can look at.

    Once we do the background check
    and everything,

    That's the account
    I'd like to open.

    We have a vault, which at all times
    we keep at least 500 firearms.

    Five-hundred of these,
    you have in your vault?

    انقر كلمة أو أبرز عبارة لرؤية الترجمة


    انقر "زائد" لإضافة كلمة/عبارة للتعلم
