تعلم الإنجليزية الحقيقية من الأفلام والكتب.
أضف كلمات أو عبارات للتعلم والتدريب مع متعلمين آخرين.
استخدم شريط التمرير لتحرير بداية ونهاية مقطع الفيديو
انقر فوق رموز التدريب التي تريد إضافة العبارة لها لمزيد من الدراسة
انقر كلمة أو أبرز عبارة لرؤية الترجمة
انقر "زائد" لإضافة كلمة/عبارة للتعلم
ابدأ التعلم
Guards get comfortable doing
the same thing day in, day out.
Something happens, that's
when they make mistakes.
When you see it,
you have to be ready.
You have to have the entire
plan already in place,
even before you know how
you're gonna get out of jail.
Escaping is easy, the
hardest part is staying free.
You have to know
where you're gonna go
and how you're gonna get there.
You have to know how they plan
to catch you, where and when.
Well, how the hell are
you supposed to know that?
You pay off someone who knows.
And a lot depends on if the prison
is in the country or the city.
- Where are you from?
- Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh's tough.
So many bridges and
tunnels they can block off.
From the time they make the call,
the police can have the center of
the city sealed tight in fifteen minutes.
How can they be so exact?
After 9/11, Homeland Security made
every city have a lock-down plan.
Downtown Pittsburgh, Philly,
Boston, Minneapolis, fifteen minutes.
They can do D.C. in under ten.
Within thirty-five minutes, they can have cops
at every tollbooth on the interstate
and be running rolling stops
on the secondary roads.
They won't have your photograph yet,
but they will have your description.
What if you can't get out? Thirty-five
minutes is not a lot of time.
Then surrender.
Because they will shoot you on sight,
along with anyone else you're with.
Stay far away from the
train and bus stations.
Forget the local airports.
Leave from another state.
Second, identity.
It's easy to find fake papers,
harder to find ones that will
get you through an airport.
You will need a passport, a driver's
license and a social security number.
If you have to rent a car, find a
place that will take a cash deposit.
They will still run a credit
check, so...
use a real person's name on the ID.
Third, destination.
You want somewhere that doesn't
attract American tourists.
Think Yemen, and you get the idea.
And money, you will
need a truckload of it.
Everything's expensive,
hotels, travel, information.
How much?
Enough to last at least five,
six years.
You run out of money,
you run out of friends.
But before you do anything, you have
to ask yourself if you can do it.
Can you forget about ever
seeing your parents again?
Can you kill a guard?
Leave your kid at a gas station?
Push some nice
old lady to the ground
just because she gets
between you and the door?
Because to do this thing,
that's who you have to become.
And if you can't, don't start,
because you will just
get someone killed.
yourself - نفسك
yemen - اليمن
within - في غضون
where - أين
under - تحت
tunnels - الأنفاق
truckload - حمولة شاحنة
travel - السفر
tourists - سائح
tough - قاسي
tollbooth - عدد كشك
through - عبر
thirty - ثلاثون
third - الثالث
think - يفكر
there - هناك
guards - حراس
station - محطة
gonna - سوف
fifteen - خمسة عشر
before - قبل
pittsburgh - بيتسبرغ
every - individle
because - لان
escaping - الهروب
again - مرة أخرى
entire - كامل
enough - كافية
airport - مطار
identity - هوية
papers - أوراق
exact - دقيق
depends - يعتمد على
bridges - الجسور
least - الأقل
running - جري
train - قطار
ground - أرض
destination - المكان المقصود
minneapolis - مينيابوليس
something - شيئا ما
already - سابقا
expensive - مكلفة
mistakes - الأخطاء
guard - حارس
along - على طول
prison - السجن
social - اجتماعي
description - وصف
about - حول
information - معلومات
airports - المطارات
credit - ائتمان
shoot - أطلق النار
doing - فعل
attract - جذب
minutes - الدقائق
between - ما بين
american - أمريكي
country - بلد
seeing - رؤية
another - آخر
anyone - أي واحد
knows - يعرف
place - مكان
deposit - الوديعة
become - يصبح
after - بعد
forget - ننسى
sight - مشهد
passport - جواز سفر
harder - أصعب
catch - قبض على
rolling - لف
downtown - وسط البلد
center - مركز
start - بداية
hardest - أصعب
anything - اى شى
homeland - البلد الام
license - رخصة
thing - شيء
comfortable - مريح
hotels - الفنادق
tight - ضيق
still - ما يزال
money - مال
interstate - الطريق السريع
leave - غادر
stops - توقف
check - التحقق من
local - محلي
years - سنوات
number - رقم
someone - شخصا ما
philly - فيلي
boston - بوسطن
photograph - تصوير
parents - الآباء
ready - جاهز
انقر كلمة أو أبرز عبارة لرؤية الترجمة
انقر "زائد" لإضافة كلمة/عبارة للتعلم
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