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كيف تنطق let's بالإنجليزية


أمثلة أفلام بها كلمة Let's

I don't know about that. Let's just. . .
Neighbors - Baby's First Rave
Wait. You know, if we're bringing the swing, let's just bring the Jumperoo.
Neighbors - Baby's First Rave
- We fell asleep. - Let's go. Let's go.
Neighbors - Baby's First Rave
All right, let's get down to business.
Beetlejuice - We're Simpatico
Hey, come on. We're like peas in a pod, the three of us. Let's face it.
Beetlejuice - We're Simpatico
- Don't you hate it when that happens? - Let's go, Barbara.
Beetlejuice - We're Simpatico
Let's start counting this money, man, before y'all niggas start stashin' shit.
Belly - Tommy's Crib
- Let's go. Come on. - Let's look at the general's cupboards.
Stripes - The Aunt Jemima Treatment
Let's go upstairs and check out the general's closets.
Stripes - The Aunt Jemima Treatment
Let's have a big hand for our very first volunteer, Katniss Everdeen.
The Hunger Games - I Volunteer as Tribute!
- Let's see a playback on that. - Stay with him.
Body of Lies - You Milked Him
let's fight one of the most terrible diseases of all - indifference.
Patch Adams - You Treat a Person
Let's just hope for the best, shall we? That should be enough.
Ocean's Thirteen - Rusty the Scientist
Let's see what kind of hand I've been dealt here.
Hoosiers - Coach Meets His Team

النطق الصوتي لكلمة Let's

النطق باللهجة الأمريكية

Let's تُنطق Ivy (طفل, بنت)
Let's تُنطق Joanna (مؤنث)
Let's تُنطق Kendra (مؤنث)
Let's تُنطق Kimberly (مؤنث)
Let's تُنطق Salli (مؤنث)
Let's تُنطق Joey (مذكر)
Let's تُنطق Justin (طفل, ولد)
Let's تُنطق Matthew (مذكر)

النطق باللهجة الأمريكية

Let's تُنطق Amy (مؤنث)
Let's تُنطق Emma (مؤنث)
Let's تُنطق Brian (مذكر)

الكلمات المشابه لكلمة Let's