تعلم الإنجليزية الحقيقية من الأفلام والكتب.

أضف كلمات أو عبارات للتعلم والتدريب مع متعلمين آخرين.


كيف تنطق uh بالإنجليزية


أمثلة أفلام بها كلمة Uh

- Uh, the Commerce Department. - Yes, Mr. President?
Dave - Balancing the Budget
Uh, you're spending 47 million dollars on an ad campaign...
Dave - Balancing the Budget
It is designed to bolster individual, uh, confidence...
Dave - Balancing the Budget
Okay, let me just add that, uh, to the tally here.
Dave - Balancing the Budget
Uh... I don't know. I don't know.
Sideways - Miles on Wine
It's, uh... It's thin-skinned, temperamental, ripens early.
Sideways - Miles on Wine
Uh, my mother died a long time ago, and my father, I don't know where he is.
Heat - Neil and Eady
- It's, uh, Randy. - Yeah, I know.
Liar Liar - Big Liar
Uh, if I get outta here on time. Yeah, we could watch it.
Trainwreck - Sports? I Love Them
Can you, uh, validate my parking, please?
Trainwreck - Sports? I Love Them
The, uh... I like smaller teams, like the...
Trainwreck - Sports? I Love Them
Not the big leagues. I like the, like, uh,
Trainwreck - Sports? I Love Them
is that I get to work with athletes, which means that I, uh...
Trainwreck - Sports? I Love Them
So, uh... when did you first know you were a—
X2 - Bobby Comes Out
Like the whole... the whole big hair and the... makeup and, uh...
Miss Congeniality - Gracie's New Assignment
- What ? - Uh, whose car is that out front ?
American Beauty - I Rule!
- I rule! - Uh-huh. Where's the Camry?
American Beauty - I Rule!
He doesn't, uh... Get back to the story, please.
Elf - The Angry Elf
I don't, uh-uh, really agree... with that.
Hitch - Shock and Awe
I guess I just, uh, never really listened, that's all.
Ray - Hummingbirds
So I guess, uh-- I guess you can "dere-lick" my balls, capitan.
Zoolander - I'm Not Your Brah
Uh, yeah, hit-hit it and quit it is-is not my thing.
Hitch - Professional Help
Well, we just came from the, uh...
Inception - Shared Dreaming

النطق الصوتي لكلمة Uh

النطق باللهجة الأمريكية

Uh تُنطق Ivy (طفل, بنت)
Uh تُنطق Joanna (مؤنث)
Uh تُنطق Kendra (مؤنث)
Uh تُنطق Kimberly (مؤنث)
Uh تُنطق Salli (مؤنث)
Uh تُنطق Joey (مذكر)
Uh تُنطق Justin (طفل, ولد)
Uh تُنطق Matthew (مذكر)

النطق باللهجة الأمريكية

Uh تُنطق Amy (مؤنث)
Uh تُنطق Emma (مؤنث)
Uh تُنطق Brian (مذكر)