
You'll see me walking in the streets at night

Just following the sound of my lonely feet

I'm relinquishing of all control

My mind's in tactical retreat

I doubt you even live here still

But it quickens up the pace of my heartbeat

When I find myself by accident

On 22nd Street

All the years, since bittersweet

Are chapters in a story book

That still is incomplete

The falling leaves will tumble to defeat

But nothing's ever changed round here

On 22nd Street


Every time I'm at the spot I remember

22nd was the place I met the girl of dreams

A bright sunny day in November

Such a beautiful sight staring right back at me

To get yuh body was my goal

But yuh fit perfectly ina di wifey roll

walking - para caminar
tumble - caída
these - estas
their - su
sweet - dulce
street - calle
story - historia
steps - pasos
still - todavía
staring - curioso
sound - sonar
since - ya que
shake - sacudir
shaggy - lanudo
sunny - soleado
round - redondo
sight - visión
falling - que cae
defeat - derrota
dance - baile
capture - capturar
dreams - sueños
heart - corazón
perfectly - perfectamente
sting - picadura
doubt - duda
queen - reina
leave - salir
alone - solo
streets - calles
changed - cambiado
violins - violines
control - controlar
right - derecho
leaves - hojas
locked - bloqueado
again - de nuevo
following - siguiendo
complete - completar
dream - sueño
chapters - capítulos
wifey - esposa
bittersweet - agridulce
tactical - táctico
avenue - avenida
fairy - hada
bright - brillante
gonna - va a
where - dónde
beautiful - hermosa
incomplete - incompleto
something - alguna cosa
inside - dentro
years - años
lonely - solitario
lovers - amantes
start - comienzo
accident - accidente
musicians - músicos
quickens - acelera
every - jeder
myself - mí mismo
ourselves - nosotros mismos
night - noche
heartbeat - latido del corazón
repeat - repetir
retreat - retirada
destined - destinado
november - noviembre
throne - trono
corner - esquina
place - lugar
relinquishing - renunciando
remember - recuerda

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