I have seen the future of mankind

The wisdom of my prophecies you´ll find

Follow the truth and be careful, are we the last?

Hundred years has passed what have we done

Inconceivable damage under the sun

I think it´s too late to change the man - we are the last

The World keeps turning while people yearn for more

Mother nature is crying for a change

The time will come when we all must pay for what

We have done are you prepared for that?

As we are reaching the end

Of the century there´s message we can send

Be strong and bold and never lose your mind

Cause we are the last

The World keeps turning while people yearn for more

Mother nature is crying for a change

The time will come when we all must pay for what

We have done are you prepared for that?

Signs of the end I see the end

Let them hear my voice in every corner of the world

Take heed of the warnings that I give

I have seen the Southern Cross forming in the sky

"There shall be heard in the air the noise of weapons

mankind - humanidad
keeps - mantiene
prophecies - profecías
instead - en lugar
reigns - reina
message - mensaje
appear - aparecer
fulfilled - cumplido
skies - cielo
while - mientras
inconceivable - inconcebible
wisdom - sabiduría
flood - inundar
their - su
follow - seguir
changes - cambios
earth - tierra
drier - secadora
believers - creyentes
having - teniendo
heard - oído
after - después
thunder - trueno
things - cosas
before - antes de
buried - enterrado
smile - sonreír
century - siglo
headed - con membrete
attain - alcanzar
corner - esquina
graves - tumbas
rainbow - arco iris
careful - cuidadoso
think - pensar
forever - siempre
learn - aprender
strong - fuerte
brightly - brillantemente
another - otro
change - cambio
green - verde
yearn - añorar
southern - del sur
future - futuro
reaching - alcanzando
great - estupendo
weapons - armas
every - jeder
cross - cruzar
cause - porque
along - a lo largo
crying - llorando
millenium - milenio
forming - formando
shall - deberá
again - de nuevo
beast - bestia
monarchy - monarquía
years - años
forty - cuarenta
seven - siete
mother - madre
people - gente
never - nunca
noise - ruido
turning - torneado
nostradamus - nostradamus
thousand - mil
hundred - cien
parched - tostado
passed - pasado
powerful - poderoso
prepared - preparado
price - precio
prophecy - profecía
reign - reinado
resume - currículum
selfishness - egoísmo
sorrows - dolores
chosen - elegido
shining - brillante
signs - señales
tears - lágrimas
comet - cometa
there - ahí
together - juntos
truth - verdad
nature - naturaleza
twenty - veinte
under - debajo
voice - voz
enemies - enemigos
damage - dañar
unjustly - injustamente
warnings - advertencias
wiped - limpiado
world - mundo

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