It is a thursday
I get up early
It is a challenge
I'm usually lazy
I make some coffee
I eat some rice chex
And then i sit down
To check my inbox
I only read a word or two
I stare across the street and see the churches and the blue
The first orgasm of the morning
Is cold and hard as hell
There won't be any second coming
yelling - gritante
would - haría
window - ventana
stare - mirar fijamente
school - colegio
running - corriendo
plans - planes
orgasm - orgasmo
notice - darse cuenta
never - nunca
morning - mañana
matters - importa
lover - amante
there - ahí
check - comprobar
thursday - jueves
coming - viniendo
challenge - reto
second - segundo
friends - amigos
street - calle
churches - iglesias
warning - advertencia
early - temprano
close - cerca
hands - manos
cause - porque
across - a través de
without - sin
again - de nuevo
drill - perforar
barely - apenas
someone - alguien
cumming - Cumming
coffee - café
little - pequeño
could - podría
complicate - complicar
least - menos
usually - generalmente
think - pensar
enjoyable - agradable
taking - tomando
first - primero
inbox - bandeja de entrada
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