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The Dresden Dolls - Lonesome Organist Rapes Page Turner traducción en Español (haciendo clic)

Lonesome Organist Rapes Page Turner - The Dresden Dolls

palabras a estudiar

He told me that I knew what to laugh at

And I wanted to but I just couldn't ask if he would take it back so I could know for certain

So on the bench I watched his left hand crossing

While doubling entendres with the voicings

He said "O darling, you're charming

Please don't find it alarming if I pull this stop out to free up a hand for heavy petting"

Now there there

I'm a friendly man

I joke about sex because it's funny when you're frightened

So silently I sat and turned the pages

Recalculating our respective ages

Over my shoulder, he muttered, "If I get any older

You can hack my wrists off with your choice of objects

No, I'm kidding"

Don't be scared

I'm a friendly man

I joke about death because it's funny when you're frightened