I've been feeling dull as a coat hanger

Pretty as a picture of a patient on a fresh iv

Giddy as a gangbanger with a set of sutures where his magic johnson ought to be

Yes i'll tell you just the thing you need to be the next big thing

Let's start in with a test of your intelligence

And zest for the counter-productive

Up and down and roundabout and out the back

And keep your mouth shut tight

The lights are staying out but no sweat I've got aim like a mack truck

Guess how many fingers ok guess how many more i can fit there

Guess right get the toaster but you know, miss, guessing gets you nowhere

I've been baking cakes for the enemy

I've been dying to find out the hard way

Ive been taking friends to the alleyway

unavailable - indisponible
start - comienzo
reliable - de confianza
professional - profesional
there - ahí
school - colegio
productive - productivo
pretty - bonita
pliers - alicates
ought - debería
fifty - cincuenta
everything - todo
counting - contando
enemy - enemigo
trust - confianza
dying - moribundo
cover - cubrir
would - haría
sweat - sudor
fresh - fresco
options - Opciones
thoroughly - a fondo
counter - mostrador
recovery - recuperación
guess - adivinar
toaster - tostadora
coffin - ataúd
cakes - tortas
johnson - johnson
truck - camión
partner - compañero
close - cerca
vacation - vacaciones
getting - consiguiendo
states - estados
alleyway - callejón
about - acerca de
calls - llamadas
bucks - dólares
patient - paciente
friends - amigos
roundabout - rotonda
government - gobierno
bridge - puente
fingers - dedos
anyway - de todas formas
brian - brian
cause - porque
gangbanger - gangbanger
taking - tomando
length - [object Object]
giddy - mareado
sutures - suturas
gonna - va a
those - aquellos
guessing - adivinación
hanger - percha
thing - cosa
hiding - ocultación
honey - miel
picture - imagen
intelligence - inteligencia
baking - horneando
intimate - íntimo
right - derecho
feeling - sensación
lights - luces
guaranteed - garantizada
magic - magia
where - dónde
mandy - mandy
month - mes
tight - apretado
mouth - boca
nowhere - en ninguna parte
staying - quedarse
notice - darse cuenta

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