Dear mr. and/or mrs. sender-
We're pleased to inform you that your applications been accepted
Starting from the time you get this letter
Your life will be one never-ending
"hope you're feeling better"
You get your choice of an aesthetic
We'll need to chop your clock off (tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock)
It might not be what you expected
There is no money back once you've been ripped off
Today's a very special day
The boys'll murder for it but what will the neighbors say
It leaves you feeling pretty hollow
It might be nice to look at
Don't forget you're stuck with it tomorrow (and tomorrow, and tomorrow....)
You're big enough to stop pretending
You'll start to really show within a week or so
would - haría
within - dentro
whole - todo
upper - superior
thoughts - pensamientos
while - mientras
those - aquellos
thing - cosa
there - ahí
taste - gusto
stiff - rígido
stick - palo
start - comienzo
special - especial
warning - advertencia
seems - parece
saying - diciendo
regretting - lamentando
really - de verdad
pretending - fingiendo
pleased - satisfecho
pitter - pitter
expected - esperado
might - podría
enough - Suficiente
engineering - ingenieria
ripped - rasgado
charade - farsa
without - sin
which - cual
think - pensar
cutting - corte
right - derecho
leaves - hojas
feeling - sensación
choice - elección
happen - ocurrir
still - todavía
applications - aplicaciones
doctors - doctores
accepted - aceptado
protection - proteccion
change - cambio
always - siempre
despise - despreciar
stuck - atascado
ending - finalizando
starting - comenzando
inside - dentro
asking - preguntando
caught - atrapado
attention - atención
sweet - dulce
course - curso
feeding - alimentación
tomorrow - mañana
today - hoy
second - segundo
getting - consiguiendo
better - mejor
forget - olvidar
forevers - forvers
little - pequeño
girls - chicas
heart - corazón
murder - asesinato
pretty - bonita
hollow - hueco
hurry - prisa
knife - cuchillo
letter - carta
clock - reloj
beating - paliza
morning - mañana
matters - importa
sender - remitente
money - dinero
sorrow - dolor
nearing - acercándose
neighbors - vecinos
aesthetic - estético
inform - informar
never - nunca
whisper - susurro
patter - tamborileo
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