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The Dresden Dolls - Sex Changes traducción en Español (haciendo clic)

Sex Changes - The Dresden Dolls

palabras a estudiar

Dear mr. and/or mrs. sender-

We're pleased to inform you that your applications been accepted

Starting from the time you get this letter

Your life will be one never-ending

"hope you're feeling better"

You get your choice of an aesthetic

We'll need to chop your clock off (tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock)

It might not be what you expected

There is no money back once you've been ripped off

Today's a very special day

The boys'll murder for it but what will the neighbors say

It leaves you feeling pretty hollow

It might be nice to look at

Don't forget you're stuck with it tomorrow (and tomorrow, and tomorrow....)

You're big enough to stop pretending

You'll start to really show within a week or so