You have to do it running but you do everything that they ask you to

'Cause you don't mind seeing yourself in a picture

As long as you look far away

As long as you look removed

Showered and blue-blazered

Fill yourself with quarters

Showered and blue-blazered

Fill yourself with quarters

You get mistaken for strangers by your own friends

When you pass them at night under the silvery, silvery Citibank lights

Arm in arm in arm and eyes and eyes glazing under

Oh, you wouldn't want an angel watching over, surprise, surprise, they wouldn't wanna watch

woman - Mujer
wanna - quiere
under - debajo
through - mediante
watching - acecho
watch - reloj
something - alguna cosa
sleeve - manga
silvery - plateado
showered - нажмитенасловоиливыделитефразучтобыувидетьперевод
trees - árboles
believe - creer
lights - luces
yourself - tú mismo
swear - jurar
everything - todo
carry - llevar
surprise - sorpresa
glazing - acristalamiento
sleeves - mangas
feathery - plumoso
removed - remoto
friends - amigos
mistaken - equivocado
blindfolded - con los ojos vendados
elegant - elegante
night - noche
adults - adultos
hearts - copas
angel - ángel
quarters - cuarteles
heart - corazón
lives - vive
strangers - extraños
another - otro
picture - imagen
running - corriendo
seeing - viendo

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