You can't stop a man from learning
I could write the book of love
Captured moments there
Between me and you
Then I had the thought of leavin'
It was a voice inside my head
Telling me I got to have the strength
To see it through
And I know it's gonna break your heart
write - escribir
world - mundo
through - mediante
thought - pensamiento
there - ahí
white - blanco
telling - narración
strength - fuerza
night - noche
could - podría
think - pensar
alone - solo
captured - capturado
between - entre
different - diferente
chair - silla
restless - inquieto
drift - Deriva
hopes - esperanzas
living - vivo
found - encontró
black - negro
gamble - jugar
gonna - va a
sometimes - a veces
inside - dentro
voice - voz
laying - puesta
lonely - solitario
dreams - sueños
heart - corazón
break - descanso
learning - aprendizaje
moments - momentos
never - nunca
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