Streets are full of rain
Lightning cracks the sky
Hear a lonely cry
Eyes full of pain
Searchin' in the darkness
Eyes pierce the night
Calling for her young one
As she walks towards the light
It's the Night Of The Wolf
Hear the cry of The Wolf
Streets paved with cold
Night gives out a warning
There's thunder in her heart
warning - advertencia
twilight - crepúsculo
towards - hacia
tonight - esta noche
thunder - trueno
walks - camina
still - todavía
sleep - dormir
streets - calles
shadows - oscuridad
screaming - gritando
young - joven
lonely - solitario
cries - llantos
calling - vocación
burnt - quemado
washed - lavado
betrayed - traicionado
beyond - más allá
while - mientras
bells - campanas
cracks - grietas
prayer - oración
light - ligero
alone - solo
begins - comienza
heart - corazón
gives - da
grave - tumba
lightning - relámpago
mother - madre
night - noche
paved - pavimentado
pierce - atravesar
darkness - oscuridad
returning - regresando
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