See the picture in the hall
Framed in magic on the wall
Ain't it funny how it glows
What's on the inside no one knows
What makes this picture so inviting
To those who stand outside it
Maybe it's the dancers
Or maybe it's the dance
the dancer dances
Thousands will fill the gallery
worth - valor
unleash - desatraillar
spirit - espíritu
picture - imagen
those - aquellos
pretend - fingir
outside - fuera de
their - su
price - precio
maybe - tal vez
makes - hace
fantasy - fantasía
tonight - esta noche
float - flotador
gallery - galería
dancers - bailarines
dance - baile
become - volverse
dream - sueño
colours - colores
believe - creer
dancer - bailarín
dances - bailes
blend - mezcla
brings - trae
every - jeder
frame - marco
framed - enmarcado
thousands - miles
stand - estar
knows - sabe
funny - gracioso
glows - brilla
inside - dentro
inviting - atractivo
magic - magia
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