To build a better world you gotta
tear the old one down
To free us from this emptiness
Hell-bent and heaven bound
The pleasures of a normal life
Turn into decay
We’re no good in time
When we are falling out of faith
You gotta take the law into your own hands
world - mundo
warning - advertencia
there - ahí
stones - piedras
falling - que cae
decay - decaer
emptiness - vacío
faith - fe
anyway - de todas formas
bound - ligado
heaven - cielo
wonderland - mundo maravilloso
normal - normal
build - construir
everything - todo
floods - inundaciones
hands - manos
plans - planes
sirens - sirenas
calling - vocación
better - mejor
pleasures - placeres
sacrifice - sacrificio
shame - vergüenza
gotta - tengo que
sinking - hundimiento
stepping - caminando
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