When I heard the sound of thunder

On the day that I was born,

I was blinded by the lighting

An' baptised in the storm

My father started crying

When he saw what he had done,

But, my mother started praying

Have mercy on my son,

He is a child of Babylon

I am a child of Babylon,

Lord have mercy on a wayward son

Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run

I am a child,

A child of Babylon

When I've fooled around so many times

When I've known it ain't been right,

maker - fabricante
lighting - iluminación
heard - oído
known - conocido
guardian - guardián
colours - colores
everything - todo
every - jeder
father - padre
babylon - Babilonia
should - debería
alone - solo
around - alrededor
seven - siete
angel - ángel
charity - caridad
right - derecho
child - niño
crying - llorando
judgement - juicio
mercy - misericordia
storm - tormenta
fooled - engañado
really - de verdad
blinded - cegado
nowhere - en ninguna parte
baptised - bautizado
mother - madre
muddy - fangoso
stand - estar
paint - pintar
praying - rezando
place - lugar
prepared - preparado
black - negro
sound - sonar
waters - aguas
price - precio
started - empezado
wayward - rebelde
there - ahí
through - mediante
thunder - trueno
times - veces
wonders - maravillas
wanting - falto
white - blanco

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