We gon' get fucked up

Enjoy the night, enjoy the night

We gon' get fucked up

And that's alright, that's alright

Raised in the gutter, I'm a find a way

Everything is ok

Baby lift your cup up

Enjoy the night, enjoy the night

Amsterdam to Tokyo longitude only I can know

Latitude is my attitude fall in place like a domino

I ain't come here to make no friends 'cause I rather be feared than love

Scared to death that I move this mountain get to you with this shotgun slum

And I could never turn my back on the ways of life

I'm sparing no expense top down Vegas lights

My flows stay virgin tight I do not give a fuck

It's about to jump tonight my crib is filling up

Is filling up, is filling up full of bitches I have never met

And they ain't left like these bitches here on house arrest

Line out two shots and I'm down six darker light but that shit don't mix

Got a body bag full of pills and shit let's see how fucked up we all gon' get

We gon' get fucked up

Enjoy the night, enjoy the night

We gon' get fucked up

And that's alright, that's alright

Raised in the gutter, I'm a find a way

Everything is ok

Baby lift your cup up

Enjoy the night, enjoy the night

wanna - quiere
vodka - vodka
virgin - virgen
vegas - vegas
tonight - esta noche
sparing - económico
sober - sobrio
smoke - fumar
singing - canto
shotgun - escopeta
southern - del sur
scared - asustado
raised - elevado
point - punto
party - fiesta
paris - París
winning - victorioso
never - nunca
mountain - montaña
lights - luces
licked - lamido
could - podría
smoking - de fumar
clearance - despeje
bread - pan de molde
longitude - longitud
laugh - risa
cutie - chica
pills - pastillas
before - antes de
bitch - perra
alright - bien
getting - consiguiendo
better - mejor
apparent - aparente
starring - protagonizando
saving - ahorro
darker - más oscuro
grass - césped
shots - tomas
mother - madre
beginning - comenzando
appearance - apariencia
amsterdam - amsterdam
place - lugar
another - otro
enjoy - disfrutar
talking - hablando
about - acerca de
diamonds - diamantes
shining - brillante
breasts - senos
spinning - hilado
bottle - botella
blaze - resplandor
niggas - Niggas
butter - mantequilla
arrest - arrestar
rather - más bien
attitude - actitud
until - hasta
feared - temido
autographs - autógrafos
death - muerte
these - estas
latitude - latitud
designer - diseñador
gotta - tengo que
night - noche
domino - dominó
world - mundo
drink - beber
drunk - borracho
friends - amigos
signing - firma
everything - todo
spend - gastar
expense - gastos
tokyo - tokio
filling - relleno
straight - derecho
flows - flujos
foreign - exterior
light - ligero
fucked - jodido
hennessey - hennessey
sleep - dormir
gonna - va a
bitches - perras
gutter - canal
tight - apretado
house - casa
joint - articulación

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