I'm heavy hearted, heavy headed, misunderstand it,

Try the permanent repercussions, I empty the cannon.

I'm addicted to ganja, roll it up in a wood,

Drink a gallon of heaty, throw it up with the hood.

I'm a rhyme for my people, give my people a voice,

Never follow the leader, use the weapon of choice.

This is not an illusion, this is not a mirage,

Conversation with God, spilling my soul out.

I own assault weapons that fall down like Megatron

The iron mob, try better bombs, I'm better alone.

So tag along like a dog with a bag of bones,

Smoke to the sack of gold, nigga on a grind,

Put my motherfucker records on,

So they can relate to the hate and the pain,

To the struggle and strain,

Never take it in vain, bring the one and the same.

Press and push your forehead at the back of your brain.

So now

Let's spread it out, nigga,

Yeah, yeah,

Spread it out, spread it out, spread it out,

It go oooo, oooo,

(And you can't get none, you don't want none, you can't get none,

Spread the fuck out, gets these hot ones)

I try not to get involved with the nonsense

I'm from the time where you couldn't pause comments,

wondering - preguntando
woman - Mujer
weapon - arma
understood - entendido
throw - lanzar
where - dónde
thought - pensamiento
these - estas
suffer - sufrir
struggle - lucha
stripping - pelar
strain - tensión
starting - comenzando
spread - untado
spilling - derramando
smoke - fumar
should - debería
follow - seguir
weapons - armas
behind - detrás
rhyme - rima
equal - igual
decisions - decisiones
chain - cadena
swagger - pavonearse
inducing - inducir
enough - Suficiente
ganja - marihuana
ignore - ignorar
relate - relacionar
people - gente
never - nunca
retain - conservar
family - familia
bring - traer
bones - huesos
while - mientras
continue - [object Object]
fights - peleas
session - sesión
constantly - constantemente
forehead - frente
coming - viniendo
misheard - miseard
chose - eligió
heavy - pesado
baggy - holgado
bagger - ensacador
allure - seducir
tight - apretado
assault - asalto
finished - terminado
conversation - conversacion
alone - solo
buddha - Buda
intentions - intenciones
maneuver - maniobra
empty - vacío
addicted - fanático
better - mejor
along - a lo largo
losing - perdiendo
sorry - lo siento
everywhere - en todos lados
barracuda - barracuda
comments - comentarios
bitches - perras
choice - elección
drink - beber
computer - computadora
leader - líder
living - vivo
cannon - cañón
bombs - bombas
brain - cerebro
catch - captura
children - niños
grind - moler
fucking - maldito
misunderstand - entender mal
pause - pausa
confusion - confusión
records - archivos
brand - marca
gallon - galón
permanent - permanente
press - prensa
headed - con membrete
fatal - fatal
direction - dirección
discretion - discreción
heading - título
taking - tomando
hearted - corazón
right - derecho
illusion - espejismo
involved - involucrado
manure - estiércol
mirage - espejismo
maybe - tal vez

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