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Duplicity - All the Way In (Es)

Escena de la película Duplicity
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    Categoría: Movie Scenes
    guion de vídeo
    palabras a estudiar

    You're acting like
    I owe you an apology.

    Knock yourself out.

    You were an assignment. You're a big boy.
    You knew what you were doing.

    I can see it's really been eating at you.

    An Ml6 case officer takes a strange girl
    from an embassy party...

    back to his hotel room
    where he has an unsecured briefcase

    - Full of Egyptian Air Defense codes.
    - Did they tell you to sleep with me?

    I needed the codes.

    I thought the less time
    I spent with you, the better.

    - Oh, Jesus.
    - How did you get on this project?

    - And you're the mole.
    - Who the hell hired you anyway?

    - I can't believe it.
    - How did you get this job?

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