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The Invisible Man - A Visible Partner (Es)

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    Categoría: Movie Scenes
    guion de vídeo
    palabras a estudiar

    One day I'll tell you everything.
    There's no time now.

    I began five years ago
    in secret,

    working all night, every
    night, right into the dawn.

    A thousand experiments,
    a thousand failures.

    And then, at last,
    the great, wonderful day.

    But, Griffin, it's ghastly.

    The great, wonderful day.

    The last little
    mixture of drugs.

    I couldn't stay here
    any longer, Kemp.

    I couldn't let you see me
    slowly fading away.

    So I packed up and went to a little
    village for secrecy and quiet,

    to finish the experiment
    and complete the antidote,

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