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we're having a little debate over here,
and we need your expertise.
You know Gigi, right?
Well, I mean, we just met.
Will you stand up so that
he can take a look at you?
Go on, stand up.
Well, what?
What do you think?
Do you think she is beautiful?
I don't know, I mean...
Yeah, I guess she's fine.
Yes, yes. That's exactly the word
that I was looking for.
She's fine, right?
You can sit down now, thanks.
Thank you, Dean.
Now look at Jesse.
Nothing fake, nothing false.
A diamond in a sea of glass.
True beauty is the highest
currency we have.
Now, without it, she would be nothing.
I think you're wrong.
Excuse me.
I said, I think you're wrong.
So are you gonna tell me that
it's what's inside that counts?
Yeah, that's exactly what I think.
Well, I think
that if she wasn't beautiful,
you wouldn't have
even stopped to look.
wrong - incorrecto
without - sin
would - haría
thanks - gracias
thank - gracias
stopped - detenido
looking - mirando
debate - debate
think - pensar
excuse - excusa
beautiful - hermosa
exactly - exactamente
false - falso
inside - dentro
beauty - belleza
gonna - va a
counts - cuenta
guess - adivinar
nothing - nada
currency - moneda
glass - vaso
having - teniendo
highest - más alto
jesse - jesse
expertise - pericia
little - pequeño
diamond - diamante
right - derecho
stand - estar
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