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Well, you tell me, Medina.
Men kill each other for any number of reasons.
Money, power... Fear.
Nine men would die that day at the Ravenite,
but for none of those reasons.
No, they'd taken something from the man who was killing them.
Something that couldn't be made whole again.
Something very important to him.
And he was there for his pound of flesh.
Little Tony Bazzano.
I'd been wedged in a van for six months
listening to that arrogant little prick belch, fart, and brag.
I didn't recognize his voice with all the fear in it.
Our man had come for revenge.
And he got it.
Nine dead.
And I was 10.
Your name?
Ray. Raymond King.
Who employs you, Raymond King?
I'm a Treasury agent.
Are you a good one?
No. No, not particularly.
Is that it?
Kids, I got... I'm a dad. I got two kids.
- Grown? - Yeah.
Yes, yes, they're all... They're all grown up.
Were you a good dad, Raymond King?
Yeah. I've been a good dad.
I'm a lousy agent, and I've been a weak man,
but that I didn't screw up.
That I got right.
whole - todo
voice - voz
treasury - tesorería
something - alguna cosa
right - derecho
revenge - venganza
recognize - reconocer
reasons - razones
there - ahí
raymond - raymond
would - haría
wedged - acuñada
ravenite - ravenita
killing - asesinato
important - importante
bazzano - bazzano
those - aquellos
pound - libra
flesh - carne
lousy - malísimo
again - de nuevo
power - poder
prick - pinchazo
grown - crecido
arrogant - arrogante
taken - tomado
agent - agente
employs - emplea
medina - medina
listening - escuchando
screw - tornillo
little - pequeño
months - meses
money - dinero
other - otro
number - número
belch - eructo
particularly - particularmente
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